Chapter 3

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I woke up and saw it was 10:50am. I then hurried and got ready. I got my roller and went to the lobby. Skipping the Inkopolis news. When I get there I saw Rachel, and Ashley.

"Where is Kayla?"

"She is gonna see the battle stages." Rachel said.

"Guys the stages are Port Mackerel and Saltspray Rig." Kayla said.

"Well we know the plan already for those so let's go on our stand and wait." And with that we went in squid form on the platform. We were waiting for it to be 11 so our matches could come up. We we're going to battling until 2 so we had an hour break. Then I saw the lights go on meaning the other team was ready. We then got out of squid form showing our weapons. The other team did the same thing. We were on Port Mackerel. Then before I knew it the game started. I jumped and flicked paint everywhere. I then made my way through the center we all did. We don't go through the sides unless we need to fill up our meter. I was painting the center when I saw that my hair was glowing. My purple hair was sparkling. But so was a green Kraken rollers hair. I then went to my base and hid. When I felt it was the right timing I activated the Inkstrike. I then got a control pad and clicked at my destination. With that the rocket left my sights. I then went back to painting and saw the mess I just made. I then heard an all clear signal from Kayla and I looked at the time. It was only minute in the game. Was this team just starting? All the shooters went in and I made sure my special was charged up and hid in a corner. I didn't want to die incase my team needed to teleport. And if it went to out of hand I could help by using my Inkstrike. I saw some people trying to go to our base so I threw an ink Grenade and killed two of them. I then looked at the time. 30 seconds left on the time. That's when I got out of my spot and painted. Then when it was at 5 seconds I sent an ink strike. And with that the game ended. We won and with that we went back to the lobby while people came to clean. I was walking back when I saw someone fall. I went over there and helped them up.

"Be careful. Is this your first time here?" I asked picking the guy up.

"Yeah it is. I didn't think it would be that slippery." He said.

"Well have fun and remember when cleaning you have to be carful." I said then walked to the lobby. We were waiting for a challenger to approach. I'm pretty sure everyone is hyped for this game. I looked at the tv and saw they were recapping our match then showed the Squidions live game.

"Look at us we use to be nobody and now our games are live for everyone too see." Rachel said.

"I'm scared." I then said.

"For what? Losing? Because girl we know we aren't gonna lose." She said.

"Not that. It's just that what if we win and we get the famous life. I don't want to be in situation of spotlight you know I can't handle attention. When I first started I thought I would be known but not at the level like that." I then said.

"No matter what everything is gonna be fine. And if we do have a spotlight it won't last long." Rachel said.

"Game starts in a minute." We were informed. And with that we went to the map. It was Saltspray Rig. Our favorite map. We then went to squid on the platforms.
Panic mode activate. What's the time? 2:30. 30 minutes before the match. And let me tell you something. I wasn't gonna look forward for this match. One of us is bound to lose our streak. The last thing I need is to mess up and end up losing. At first I was excited, I was pumped to fight them. But now that the time has come I can't. I'm too scared to do anything. With all this thinking I saw the time. 2:59. I then went to see the Inkopolis news. I then saw that the two stages were Urchin Underpass and Port Mackerel.

"Now for some news updates."

"The Squidions and the Splashers will go head to head after this."

"They have both been undefeated for a long time."

"Both teams have an equal chance to win so good luck to both teams."

"And as always."

"Stay Fresh." They said. And with that I went to the lobby. Instead of going to the regular fields that are meant to have no audience we went to a special one. This could fit ten cities. I saw how the arena was filling up. But it was made so we couldn't see them nor hear them. But they can see us and hear us. I saw my team was already by the entrance of the doors. For stuff like this we were introduced. We were waiting for our cue to go in. When they gave us our cue we went in and saw the Squidions still haven't came out yet. We then went into squid form and waited. Then the other team went on there platform and waited. We still couldn't see the map. There was spotlights only at our spawn point. Then before we knew it the lights came on and we saw Kelp Dome.

"You guys ready." I said. Then we went out of squid form and a few seconds after the other team went out of squid form.

"Remember the strategy we planned out and we should make it out alive." I said.

"Got it captain. Now let's get ready to win." Rachel said. Then before we knew it. The game began.

Hehehehe cliff hanger. Anywho you gotta wait to see how the match is. Peace fellow unicorns and stay fresh.

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