Chapter 19

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I'm sorry I is late on the chapter posting. As to why it's late, the reasoning is after the chapter. Also ignore every grammar/spelling error, that's another days problem. Any who enjoy.
Looking at popularity I knew Blue had the most.

55% popularity 45%

Wait what?! I fought against my own team!

"Oh Yeahhh!!"

"Aw, man..."

"Next up..."

"Quickly! Quickly!"

What's next team red is going to win by wins too?

"Time to see which team won the most battles!"

"Bring it on!"

The percentages began to change over and over again as I waited patiently. My team and the Squidions were next to me as we watch the result live. The rest of my team choose Pokemon red while I stuck with Pokemon blue, same as the Squidions.

41% Wins 59%




"No hard feelings either way, yeah? And finally..."

"The final results."

"That's right! The winning team of this Splatfest is..."

"Come on, come on...!"

55% Popularity 45%
41% Wins 59%

At that point I was jumping up and down from excitement. For once this Splatfest was the same for all the continents. I'm curious to see what won for theirs.

"Yes! Pokémon Blue wins! WATER GUNNNNNNN!"

"Not fair! Your team had the type advantage! Oh yeah, Marie, about that Vulpix you traded me..."

"If you participated in the Splatfest, don't forget..."

"How do I change its nickname from BLUEISBEST?"

"Your prizes are waiting in the plaza!"

"Marie? MARIE!"

With that the news came on for the maps. Kelp Dome, and Ancho-V Games for turf, while Flounder Heights and Mahi-Mahi Resort for Ranked.

"Stay Fresh!"

"YES WE WON!" I said hugging Angel.

"We all won except for your teammates." Troy said.

"Pokémon Red is still better." Kayla said.

"No it's not Blue is. It was just proven." She just stuck out her tongue and relaxed. "Anyone up for Protect the Cradle?"

"Four and four or should we separate."

"Lets separate. Four in a lobby, everyone needs to have a beacon on them." Rachel said.

"Lets get ready then." And with that we began to make our way into the lobby. We each went into our locker rom and went through our items.

"About time I use this." Rachel said while getting the Custom E-Liter 3K.

"I haven't used this in a while." I said grabbing my octobrush.

"I think Sploosh-o-matic would be best for me." Kayla said.

"Yes Custom Dual Squelcher." Ashley said.

I looked at my clothes and realized I needed to change. I grabbed my cream high tops, Shrimp Pink Polo shirt, and my fake contacts. I put then on and left my clothiers in the room. I got out and locked the door since everyone already went outside. We all meet in front of one of the lobbies and looked at everyone's weapon.

"Alright lets see here..." Troy said while looking at everyone's weapon. "Daniel stay with me, Angel go with your girlfriend, Rachel stay, Ashley come over here, Rick over there and Kayla over here." We all went to where we were told to go. That's when we looked at the weapons. Troy had a Custom E-liter 3K scope, Sploosh-o-matic, Krak-On Splat Roller, and a Custom Dual Squelcher. While I had an Octobrush, Custom E-liter 3K, Sploosh-o-matic and a Custom Dual Squelcher. So both teams had two Krakens and two Killer wails, that's even enough.

"Now lets party." Daniel said. We all went to our own lobbies. I went to the first lobby I saw and looked to see how teams were. I was on the same team as Rick. We went on our platform and waited. I went into squid form and saw my hair going blue. The lights came on and I saw it was Ancho-V-Games. When the game started I went straight then went left going on a slope. Rick followed the trail on ink and placed a beacon down. I quickly made my way to their side and wait for my team to use the fan. Someone came and used it and I painted the wall in case I needed to go up. I went to the top and painted the fan to bring the platform back up. I quickly went to their side and saw Rachel ready to snip. I quickly jumped and painted Rachel causing her to die. I saw their beacon and destroyed it. I then painted a corner and hide there as I saw Angel and Rachel making their way.

"Can't believe you die while trying to protect." Angel said.

"Hey you died too." They began to paint a bit but missed my corner. I felt relief knowing that Angel fell for this trick again. Rachel quickly charged up her charger while Angel placed a beacon and left. I got out of my spot an quickly splatter Rachel again. I then took down the beacon and quickly left. Now to find Angel. I looked at my side and saw the Angel going to the fan. I quickly made my way to that side in time as he began to paint the fan but before he could do anything I splatted him.

"Woot woot." I saw that we had two minutes left so squid jumped to Rick. I then went to the beacon spot and placed two of them. Now three to gaurd. I looked at the map and notice someone coming. I went into squid form and made my way there. Good thing my special is charged. I looked closely and saw it was three people. So everyone but Rachel. When I got close enough to Angel I turned into a Kraken and Splatted him. I then went to the other two members and splatted them. I quickly painted the area and made my way to their base. The game was going great for us. By the one minute mark, it was ten to three. Yeah they only destroyed our beacon twice. Sad I know. I was back to where the beacons were and placed the last few up. Now it's time to mess around. I once again went to their side and made a heart. I then hid in the ink a bit away from it to see who would see first. To my luck, Angel saw it first. It wouldn't hurt to tease then kill. I quickly got out of my spot and walked on his color ink. It was painful but I was going to kill him anyway. I quickly planted a kiss on his cheek, then slashed my brush at him as he died. Wow girlfriend of the year goes to me. I began to make my way to their beacons seeing that Rachel was nowhere to be seen. I quickly went to the beacons and destroyed three. I then left seeing that Angel had his hair glowing. I saw the time and saw it was ten seconds left. I turned and saw Angel turning into a kraken. I painted a bit and saw my Kraken charge up in time. I quickly turned into a Kraken before he could kill me. That's when the time ended. We both got out of Kraken form and squid jumped back to base. Judd began to calculated and showed the scores.

51.2% 43.9%

Yes another victory in both turf war and minigame. We both went out of the arena and into a lobby.

"You're a filthy cheater Megan." Angel said as he pulled me into a hug.

"I considered it as a greeting."

"And all I got was a kiss on the cheek."

"Hey it was still war." I said looking up at him.

"Yeah yeah, also guess what."

"Wha.." Before I could finish Angel smacked his lips onto mine. It wasn't much of a kiss more of a peck. "Hey I didn't even get to finish my word."

"We are still in turf war." He said then laughed.

"Whatever, onto the next game."
There is your chapter, once again I'm sorry this it late, I tried to get it up earlier but I'm trying to do go in school and homework was alot. Well I hope you enjoy and maybe I'll be able to write more chapters this school year. Peace Fellow Unicorns and stay fresh.

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