Chapter 7

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And with that we started the hour routine. It was hard but to make sure I didn't crash into anyone or that I didn't trip was the problem. Thirty minutes in and there was only 31 left of us. I then noticed someone in the audience. I saw the Squidions all there looking at me. They saw that I looked and they waved at me. Good thing I turned in this part and switched spots with someone. 20 minutes later and there was 11 of us left. Someone just out so there were 10. When it was ten left the dance got a bit more tricky. We had to dance with a partner for this one. And the partner was on team dog. I was given a guy partner for this part since there was nobody left. After five more people left we didn't have to dance with a partner. Okay 5 more minutes left not a problem right. Three minutes later and it was just me and someone else. They it went to the hey part. She left and the other group came in. I did there routine for the minute then when the hey hey part came on. I put my arms up and jumped. A firework with my pun came on. I than ran out. The Squidions were still there for the whole thing. I tried to go back in the lobby without them seeing me.

"I didn't know you danced." Troy said.

"I don't but they needed someone to dance for this month so I decided to volunteer." I said.

"Oh that seems like you."

"What's that suppose to me."

"Nothing." He said. I gave him a glare and he just cleared his throat. "So who do you think got chosen for this years Ink Maniac?"

"I honestly don't know." I said lying. We weren't allowed to tell anyone if we were chosen.

"Maybe it's someone I know." He said.

"Well I'm going back to battling so I'll see you all later. Maybe I'll see you guys in a match." I said. And with that I went into a random door. I than saw my team for this match.

"Kayla is that you." I said.

"The one and only." She said. She had the Splatershot so she was a bubbler.

"Then let's show them how it's done." With that I went to a spot. The first two were already taken and since Kayla was the third one that meant I was gonna be behind everyone but I didn't mind. The game started and we went crazy. I then noticed a Splatterscope person. I looked at the person and saw it was Troy. He didn't see me yet at least. I threw my grenade and it landed behind him when it explode it didn't kill him. That's when I flicked paint on him when he turned around. I barely got him. I then went back to the top center and started walking on the weird type bridge. Someone tried to get me from the side but I just shot paint on them. Then I died. I noticed I had died by a Splatterscope. Well someone got revenge. With 20 seconds left we had control over the center while the had control of the sides. Someone had stayed at our base to make sure nobody covered our base. Kayla and I were guarding from the top while the other person guarded from the bottom.

"Kayla all or nothing?" I then asked.

"Let's go." She said. And with that I told the people to stay in the center. I went in from the right while she went in through the left. I made my way in. I managed to dodge all of Troy's attacks and killed him. When I realized everyone had died and were at the base I gave the come on signal. Someone squid jump towards me while the other stayed and painted the sides. Right before the game ended I launched an Inkstrike. We won that game and went back to our spot, while they cleaned the map. We don't switch maps unless we want too. It was advantage we had since not everyone is a cat lover. But I left the game since I like to be in new groups every game. I then went into another random room. But I couldn't play since they were in the middle of one. I had to wait outside the door and hope that someone leaves. Luckily someone did. I went in and saw the people waiting. And let me just say. They were all rollers. I then saw a familiar face but decided against it.

"So since we are rollers we got to hope that the other team doesn't expect us." I said.

"I say we can do it we have Angel and you so we are good." A player said. I looked at Angel and gave a small smile.

"Are you a kraken or a killer wail?" I said.

"I am a kraken."

"Good. I know your a carbon roller so you have inkzooka. And I think you have a kraken as well?" I asked the other person.

"Yeah I am."

"Kraken are used a lot." I said. "Well we have a minute until the game so we can play out a little strategy, for our games since well we might be a team for awhile." I said.

"I have a strategy planned out." Angel said.

"Which is?"

"In all the maps there are three ways in the center always. But we don't always count them. Like walleye warehouse there is like two. But any way. I can go in through the center in walleye warehouse and urchin underpass. You can go in through the left. Carbon roller can go in through the right since you have the inkzooka. A good surprise. And my kraken buddy you can come in through the center with me. And if it's kelp dome. You go up the right ramp and I will go up the left ramp."

"That seems like a good strategy. Let's hope it works." I said. Then we went on the platform and went down when the stage was finally noticeable we stood up. The stage was Urchin Underpass. I then saw the other team was all shooter. They even had a Splatterscope.

"Angel think you can deal with the Splatterscope?"

"Only when it's urgent." He said. Then the match started. I went up the left ramp while the carbo roller went through the right. Angel and the other kraken painted through the base. When I went through the left side I stayed on that platform and flicked paint everywhere. The carbon roller went down to paint areas I couldn't reach. I got an Inkstrike but decided to wait a bit. The other team then started to make there way to the center. Angel was about to use the kraken so I went into hiding. I then launched an Inkstrike where they go in through the middle. It didn't kill anyone but sure did distract them. Then there was two kraken in the loose and an inkzooka. I got off my platform and tried to kill the Splatterscope. But we ended up killing each other. I then spawned back and squid jumped to a beacon that was placed on my platform. It destroyed but it's fine. I then noticed they all were in there base. But I decided to stay in case something happened. There was a minute left. They managed to keep things in place over there. But I noticed a Splatterscope and a blaster made there way through the left. Well right for them. I got out of hiding and killed the blaster. But trying to kill the Splatterscope was hard. I flicked paint on him but it wasn't enough to kill him. He ended up painting me but I barely made it. I then hid and popped back up and flicked paint on him but he didn't die. We then kept this up until 30 seconds left in the match. My Inkstrike was full so i decided to do something crazy. I threw a grenade and saw the way he dodged it. I then flicked paint in that direction and he died. I then launched an Inkstrike at the spot they came in. Then I went in through the base. There was 15 seconds left and I noticed Angel and the carbon roller had their special filled. I noticed since their hair was glowing. At ten seconds Angel and the carbon roller used their special. I was painting what I could dodging attacks. The game ended and we noticed someone tried to get to the center but failed. We then went back to the spawn and waited. We were told to squid jump to another map so we did what we were told.

So how is your day? Mine was great. So Peace Fellow Unicorns and Stay Fresh.

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