Chapter 2

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1 more day. That's all we have left too practice. Was I worried? Not really. Was I excited? I wouldn't say that. Was I scared? Heck yeah I was. I've never been so scared for a match. What made this match different then. Today we weren't practicing. Today was more of a relaxing day, since tomorrow we would practicing at 11 and then battle at 3. I was pacing around my room thinking of so many scenarios that could happen. Sure the only two are we win or we lose. But how would that effect our group or their group. We could become friends but why though. Maybe I should just go for a walk. So with that I left my house. I decided to take a walk around my neighborhood. I expect Twal to come out when I was walking in the alleys but he is more of a night owl. But that's when I felt a presence near by. I turn around and saw the Squidions

"Well well well it's the one and only Megan." Troy said.

"What do you want?" I said trying not to sound rude.

"Just wanted to say that we will win." Troy said.

"Is could be the other way around you know." I said with a smirk.

"I wouldn't be to sure." And with that he got closer. "We have won every match in year." Our faces were really close to each other. That's what Twal meant. Well two can play that game.

"Well listen here lover boy, we also have won every match and we are gonna win this one" I said bring my nose to his. Then I pushed him on the ground. "And you should know charming doesn't work on our team. Trust me." I said. And with that I left.

Troy's POV

"You just got rejected man." I heard Angel say.

"Whatever I don't like her." I said. And it was true, I really don't like her. I just thought she would fall for it like everyone else.

"Sure." Daniel said.

"Like you could do any better." He said.

"Shall we put that to the test." Angel said.

"Oh yeah. Try to get her on a date with you." I said. And with that he walk to where Megan was.

Megan's POV

I swear I have like my own sense. I can always feel when someone is around. I looked back and saw Angel.

"Let me guess Troy sent you after I rejected him." I said.

"I wouldn't say that." He started walking forward. I then started walking backwards.

"What are you trying to do." I said and then I bumped into a wall.

"Nothing in particular." He said with his hand on the wall, standing right in front of me. "Just wanna ask if you want to go on a date with me." He said using his available hand to twirl my hair. Okay two of them like to use their charm. But this one makes my heart beat faster.

"I'll think about it lover boy." I said. "But don't think that will effect how easy I play. I show no mercy." I said. And with that I debated if I should get into his head or not. But I decided that wouldn't be fair. But I feel like two people can play it that game. I gave him a peck on my check while my left hand held his face. I saw his cheeks go a bit pink." I'll see you tomorrow lover boy. Ps you're blushing."

"I am not." And with that he left. I laughed a bit then continued my walk. But I didn't feel warm anymore like if I wanted him near me all the time. Why do I feel different around him? I told myself I wouldn't fall for their charm. But I feel like I might be falling for Angel. But their is no way they will get to me. I'm showing them no mercy. I stopped thinking to pay attention to where I was. When I looked I saw I was around Rachel's place. Might as well see her. But before I do ima get food to go. After getting my food I then went to Rachel's house. I knocked on her door but she didn't answer. So I just opened the door.

"IM HOME." I said, going to her couch to eat my foot.

"I was going to get the door you know?" She said, sitting down next to me and taking my food. "So why you here?"

"I came here since I was taking a walk but then I ran into people and thought I would tell you about my adventures." I said.

"Wait who did you run into?"

"The Squidions." With that she gasped.

"Tell me. Did you beat them up?" She said.

"No, that's rude." I said.

"So then what happen?"

"Well Troy try to basically make me worry about the game or go easy on him since her was being all flirty. Then Angel came and asked me on a date and I said I would think about it. But at that moment he was flirting so I was like two can play it that game so I kissed his cheek and he started blushing." I said, eating a fry.

"YOU DID WHAT." She said.

"What I do. I'm just beating them at their own game."

"Dude what if they think they can flirt or charm us. Sure i can control, so can you and Kayla. But Ashley might fall for it. And if one isn't concentrating we can lose.

"Don't worry about it." I said. "We still have a chance of winning. Because if they are distracting by trying to flirt with us then that can be our chance to get land." I said.

"That's actually good. Or what we can do is have a few of us focusing on their base as well while others focus on the middle and from there we could win." She said.

"See it all works out. Plus I might get a date with lover boy." I said.

"Wait you are actually gonna go on a date with Angel." She said.

"Why not he is cute." I said.

"So you like him." I then felt my cheeks go a light pink.

"No I don't like him."

"Yes you do." She said.

"Fine what if I have a small crush it doesn't mean anything." I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh after we beat them at their own game, we are so gonna get you ready for a date. But isn't that weird. One of us is bound to lose and beat the other so wouldn't it be awkward?" She said.

"we will see alright. Maybe I'll get him love struck during the match." I said. Rachel then gave me a look. "Fine I'll do it after the match." I said.

"Good because we aren't like that." She said. "Now go home." She said.

"Rude, just kick me out I see."

"Yes." She said with a smile.

"Kay bye." I said getting out the door.

"Bye." She said. And with that I continued my walk home. I'm surprised Twal didn't come out from the alleys but it's always something new with him. I went inside my house and looked at the time. It was actually 18 more hours until the match. I'm actually scared for once. Man I hope we do good.
I'm excited for this competition you know. I still haven't decided who will win. But in the end peace fellow unicorns and stay fresh.

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