Chapter 23

10 0 0

Good Guys: 45.5%
Bad Guys: 43.6%

I let out the breath I was holding after seeing the results of the match. I looked at Angel and smiled as he pulled me into a hug.

"That was a tough game man. Those specials were crazy."

"That laser wasn't fun to deal with but I'm glad we still got the win." I pulled away from the hug as we walked out to the lobby. I saw the team we went against still smiling as we looked at them. I waved at them as they waved back and kept walking. What a lovely team we went against. There are still having a good time even though they lost. I looked around the crowd to see a bunch of inklings talking to each other in a lower tone. 

"Can you believe the amount of good players that came to this tournament."

"This is one of the first times we will see a tournament with a mixture from both towns."

"But didn't you see that the members of S4 are here?!"

"Not only them but we cant forget about the scary gold dynamo user."

"There are two scary gold dynamo user in this tournament, you can't forget that the captain of Splashers is here." I begin to tune out the whispers after hearing that. I kept walking as we went back to the bulletin board to see what was happening for round 2. 

"So what weapon do you want to use next round Angel?" I asked as we approached the bulletin board.

"Not quite sure yet, I would need to see who we are going against this round and try to figure out if we know them or not." I nodded as we looked at the board going straight to our bracket. "Looks like we are going to need a defender in the back. I'll go heavy for this round." His voice changed in tone as he began to get serious. Looking at the names there scared me a bit.

"I'll go Splat Charger because of my special. Will help me get them since I should out range them. But man, how did I not recognize their names earlier."

"They just posted the team names, that isn't their actual team name so we wouldn't have know."

"You keep your eyes on the Gal, I will focus on the Roller." I stated. We turned around and began to make our way to the 3rd Lobby. 

"Hey isn't that Angel?!" Angel turned around as I did the same thing. The group that stood in front of me made me scared but I knew I couldn't let myself get intimated.

"Yes I'm Angel, is there something you need?"

"No need to be like that, you are going against me and Mask!" 

"We were looking forward going against you guys. We were recently debating between our teams to start going against yours." 

"Indeed, that's why I saved your number from our first time going against Squidions, we thought you guys would be strong one day."

"Well both of our teams would enjoy a good battle."

"Hey it's Megan isn't it? You're almost as quiet as Skull! In case you didn't know, my name is Aloha!"  

"Nice to meet you. The reason why I'm quiet is that I have no input in the conversation that is being exchanged. Now we had a match to be at. We will see two of you there." I stated as I turned away and kept walking to the lobby. I heard a pair of footsteps follow me shortly after. I opened the door to the lobby and went in. Why am I getting nervous, it's just another match. These games don't impact my career so why do I have this feeling. I took off the Dynamo Roller and Inkbrush that were hanging on me and placed them on the floor. I looked at the Splat Charger and began to second guess my choice. Why would I even pick a weapon that I suck at. I'm just setting myself up for embarrassment. 

"Megan you need to calm down, it's just another match. We will just do our best and go for the win." I looked at Angel as I nodded. 

"Goggles that isn't the right room!" The lobby door swung open as we saw a blue inkling with a smile on his face.

"Oh hey, what are you two doing in here?" He asked as I kept a confused expression on my face.

"Well, we are preparing for our match, are you lost?" I asked as he kept a smile on his face.

"Goggles, we are in lobby 4 this time!" I looked behind him to see one of my favorite players.

"No way, you're Rider!" I said before covering my mouth. I should have kept my mouth shut, he might think I'm weird. I looked at Angel as he chuckled a bit because of my behavior. Rider looked at me confused.

"Aren't you a Gold Dynamo player?" 

"I do main that weapon." Keep it cool Megan. 

"I'd like to go against you in the future then. I heard you were a pretty scary Dynamo player." 

"I always like having a good challenge to look forward to, can't wait to go against each other one day." I said giving a smile. He nodded before looking at the other inkling.

"Let's go Goggles, we need to head to our lobby." 

"That's right, we are in lobby 4! Before I leave, do you guys want some pickled plums!" Goggles pulled a jar out of nowhere and offered us some.

"I'm alright but thanks for offering." I said. Angel reached in and grabbed one. I waved at them as they walked away from our view. I closed the lobby door before looking back at Angel as he ate the pickled plum. He kept a blank expression the entire time as I looked confused at him. "Aren't those super sour?"

"Well they are sour but not that bad." He said as he grabbed the Heavy Splattling. "Ready to get the game started?"

"Not really but I don't have a choice." He nodded as we went in the door. I hope we can win against Mask and Aloha.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2020 ⏰

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