Chapter 14 (short)

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Splatfest.... That's all I needed to say. Today was splatfest of Cars and Planes. I was asked this splatfest to sing Callie and Marie song. Every once in a while they have one person sing their song. I was glad they chose me this time. It was currently 2:50pm and I had to start making my way to Callie and Marie studios. I got out of my house and made my way to there studio which was close to the dojo. When I got in I saw Marie preparing her self and Callie getting the camera working.

"Hi guys." I said.

"Hi there we are gonna do the news and then we can get started alright?" Callie said.

"That works."

"We are live in 30 seconds"
"Stay Fresh." They said then turned off the camera. They then went to where the started setting up the recording place. Everyone could see so for those who were up there saw me in there standing in front of a mic. A lot of them were taking photos.

"Ready when you are." Callie said.

"I'm ready."

"Wait before we start we are going to let you listen to how it's gonna sound then you are gonna sing it over and over for practice we like to record it in one go so yeah. This is how it's gonna sound." Callie then play the song. Marie then sang the song and then they looked at me.

"Okay I believe I got this." I practice it a bit while they correct the high and low notes. When they thought I was ready they pressed the record button and play the music. Here goes nothing.

*someone spam me if I haven't place the lyrics here by Thursday. I'm too lazy to type it all right now."

I than looked at them and they gave me thumbs up.

"Now that we have that you still have time to practice before splat fest which starts at 9." Callie said.

"Nawww I'm gonna sleep than come back. So I can play to maybe 1 than sleep again and play again. Because let me tell you. Being up a bit over 24 hours is just tiring." I said.

"Well than we will see you during splat fest."

"Alright bye guys." I said and gave them each a hug. I than walked out and made my way to the cafe underneath the place. I got a bagel and sat down. I decided to just chill a bit before sleeping. While eating my bagel I noticed their hasn't been a lot of squiddies walking around. Usually I would see kid squids walking around. No not squid kids. That when they can become inklings. But in the mean time they are just walking squids. I really just want to see one right now. They are the cutest things ever. Especially when they go with their older siblings to the weapon shop. Sometimes I see them begging to okay turf war but of course they can't. Maybe I'll see them while I battle. I don't really know. I than decided to just go home and sleep until splatfest.


Okay so I'll end it off there. I know really short. I'm just so lazy and plus I want to focus on other chapters. But there will still be a splatfest chapter. Just probably by the time splatfest ends. And woah like five or six of you guys submitted an OC if you still want to submit one you can just go check that one chapter name that is 1K and do it. Well yeah that's all. Peace Fellow Unicorns and Stay Fresh.

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