Chapter 10

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"Put me down." I said.

"Nope you didn't let me finish my sentence why should I." He said.

"Because I'm your best friend forever." Okay that actually was hard to say.

"Oh wow I'm just you BFF wow I don't even get a better title."

"Well what title do you want?"

"You'll have to wait and see." He said.

"But can I pretty please get down I can walk if you didn't know." I stated.

"Wouldn't want you to get injured you know. You always seem to hurt yourself."

"It's not my fault I'm clumsy." I said pouting.

"Fine I'll put you down but you better not fall." And with that he put me down. Not even five steps in, and I trip myself. "What did I say."

"Hehehe." And with that he stuck his arm out. I took his hand and he pulled me up. I let go of his hand and we continue walking to his place to party. Not really but yeah. Halfway in the walk I felt my hand being touched. I looked and saw that Angel had intertwined our hands. Angel noticed the shock expression on my face and it made him blush.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that." He said. He was about to stop when I tightened the grip of my fingers around his.

"It's fine." I said blushing a bit. When we got to his place, we just went straight to the kitchen.

"You hungry?" Angel asked.

"A little." You said. He than gave me a sandwich. "Thanks."

"No problem." He said. "So what do you want to do?"

"Hmmmm let's look at what's new on the TV." I said. I put it on the Inkopolis channel to see which battle is live right now.

"Well you look at that we have Troy on team Pink and Rachel on team green what are the odds. And for those who don't know Troy is from the Squidions and Rachel is from the Splashers. This should lead to an intense game for tower control." Callie said.

"That's right. These two player, in fact the Squidions and Splashers had gone head to head and were tied." Marie said.

"The games should began in any moment so let's get going." Callie said.

"And they are off to the tower. Seems like both Troy and Rachel have the same strategy."

"They both are going straight for the tower. Wait a minute Rachel didn't move an inch and Troy went on the tower. They are taking the lead."

"What's this Rachel just scoped him and took the tower. They took the tower and are in the lead now."

"THATS MEH GIRL." I than yelled. There were about 5 inches away when someone splatted Rachel and it started going back. By one of her teammates got the person and they won."Well Rachel was always the one for tower control." I said.

"I can tell. She beat Troy and that is saying something." Angel said. We continued watching games until it was 8pm.

"I should probably start going home." I said looking at the time.

"Why not just sleep over." He said.

"Ummmm it's fine I can go home. I don't want to bother you." I said.

"You're staying over I can use the company." Angel said.

"I guess." I said. He than went to go grab I guess blankets and a pillow. And I guessed correctly.

"I'll sleep here and you can sleep on my bed." He said.

"Naww I'll sleep here." I said I than jumped to where the covers were.

"No I'll sleep here." He than pushed me off the covers and went on.

"Rude." I said.

"Fine how about we just sleep on my bed." He said.

"I don't know depends. Do you snore?" I said.

"I don't trust me." He said.

"Okay I'll sleep on your bed." I said.

"But before we do let's go watch some shows." And with that we sat on the couch and watch some more television. When it reached 11 Inkopolis news came on. It than told us how there was a Splatfest coming up. Team Roller Coaster vs Team Water Slides.

"So what side are you on?" I asked him.

"I'm team Roller Coasters. You?"

"Same I'm not a big fan about water slides." I said.

"How come?"

"The last time I went on one I cut my leg somehow. Don't even ask."

"Hehehehe how does that even happen."

"It why I said don't ask." I said.

"Sorry I beat a hug will cheer you up."

"You better not.... Don't touch me." I said as he went in for the hug. "Release." I said.


"Please." I than asked.

"No." I tried getting out of his grip but he was too strong. I gave up and just wrapped my arms around him.

"Now will you let go."

"Yes I will." He said. I than got up from the couch. That's was before I got tackle. I than saw Angel on top of me.

"Get off me." I said.

"How about no." And than we held eye contact for the longest time. And without even realizing I felt a pair of lips on mine.

FOR SPLATFEST BABY. Okay new chapter later I'm playing splatfest

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