Chapter 4

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I jumped in the air, flicking paint in front of me. I then decided I would cover the base later until we made sure we got the center under control. I did a quick paint of the back of our base then Rachel and I went in through the left. I saw someone in the corner of my eye so I threw a grenade in the corner. He didn't noticed so it blew up. I got notified that I killed him. I then continued painting the area and went into squid form. I looked at the center and saw my team had it under control. I then went back to my based and covered it. I saw how I got my Inkstrike. I pulled out my launch pad and looked at it. I noticed how my team was losing control of the center so I shot it. I killed someone in the process. I than realized that someone was Troy. Welp I'm going to forever remember that. I then saw Kayla re-spawning at the base.

"Come on Kayla let's go." I said. I then saw how they completely covered the center and were about to get in through the left. "Kayla following me real quick." I said. We then ran through the right and I asked her to paint a little bit of the corner. She did. "Okay go back and pretend like you weren't here. This is Plan B. Yell it out when we are at one minute. Send out the come on signal. Then when I have it ready I'll send the boo yah signal. With that throw bombs all around the base then teleport to me."

"Okay what if it doesn't work." She asked.

"We go down trying." With that I went into the corner and waited. I hope we are doing good. I then felt someone was near me. Probably an enemy. I didn't move or anything. The presence left and went to my base most likely. I then heard the signal from Kayla. I then got up and started painting the area. I then went to their base and covered it completely. I made sure that they didn't kill anyone or it would fall apart. Their base was fully covered. I then went back to the very entrance of the center. I saw my Inkstrike was filled. Perfect. I sent out my signal and heard explosions. I then sent my Inkstrike to the center. I notice three people died in the attack. With that it was war the last ten seconds. The game ended and we stopped what we were doing. The judges then started to talley up the score. I was so eager to know. I then heard Rachel yell.


"I'M FINE GLAD I GOT THIS OVER WITH." I yelled. Then the scores were in.

"Squids and squidets. The scores are in." He then displayed the scores on the screen.

"How is that even possible." I heard Kayla yelled.

"This can't be happening." I heard Daniel say.

"I never seen such a game like this." I said.

"Well what now. How are we gonna deal with this." Troy said.

"Probably we will just be Rivals for ever." Rachel said.

"There could be a way too figure this out." Angel said.

"Megan was literally dying right before it all she won't be able to make it through it again." Ashley said.

"Well what do we do. Are we gonna leave it like this." Ricardo said.

"I say we should. It would be the most one of a kind match ever." Kayla said.

"It was a tie game that's like the weirdest game ever." Troy said.

"How did we both get 46.7 someone won but since we don't go by anything past the tenths we will never know." Angel said.

"Megan calm down you aren't dying speak to us." Ashley said.

"What." I then said.

"Why don't we let the captains settle it." Daniel said.

"Because our captain is actually not the one to argue with teams. So she will get us in problems." Ashley said.

"We can discuss these problems." Rachel said.

"Thanks for having faith in me guys." I said.

"So what do you guys think we should have a rematch." Troy asked.

"We really don't care." They said.

"Girls?" Rachel asked.

"We don't have a problem with it." We said. Then Rachel and Troy made eye contact.

"So what do you say Troy? The girls don't have a problem, even I don't. It's up too you." Rachel said.

"Well in the end I don't have a problem if it leaves off in a tie. So how about we all agree this match is a tie. We both won in the end. So both our winning streaks will remain the same. Deal Megan." I then looked at my team they agreed. I look at his team and they didn't have a problem. I then cleared my throat.

"Deal." I said.

"Shake hands." He said sticking out his hand.

"I guess." And with that I shook his hand.

"Now that this has been settled what do you guys say. Can we get along as friends." Troy said.

"For someone with a big ego asking us to be friends doesn't add up. But I suppose." I said.

"And you have a big mouth." Troy said.

"Nope I'm just being honest." I said. "I'm going it's a long walk home. I'll see you guys later." I then said.

"I can walk with you if that's fine." I heard someone say.

"It's fine I walk alone anyways." I said.

"Not today you don't." I then got out the door and someone else did as well.

"Listen I'm perfectly capable of walking home by myself." I said.

"I know but it's just for company." I turned around and saw Angel.

"I guess that'll be fine. But I have to warn you. The way I walk is dangerous." I said making sure my gun was full of ink.

"What do you mean?"

"I walk through alleys and sometimes you don't meet any nice people." I then said. "Well what are we waiting for. Let's get walking." I said. I began to walk and Angel walked next to me.

"So I'm curious as to how we didn't notice you weren't at the base."

"Actually I've seen you guys but you can't see me when I'm underground." I said.


"Nothing. And as to how we caught up well that will always be a secret." I said. We then started our path through the alley. I felt someone near by. I then felt a touch on my shoulder. I elbow the inkling and flipped them over my shoulder. I pulled out my gun and aimed it.

"Chill girl. One day you're gonna be the reason why I'm at a hospital." I heard the inkling say.

"Twal you should learn to not sneak up on me. Thought you learned." I said pulling him up.

"Who's the friend?"

"Twal meet Angel, Angel meet Twal." I said.

"Hey aren't you that dude who plays with the Squidions."

"Ummmm yeah."

"Let me guess he used his charm to get too you?"

"No he wanted to walk me home. Not ask me to marriage." I said.

"Oh well go on. And learned a better way to attack someone in this alley. It's usually just me." He said. Then he climbed up the wall into his room.

"Sorry about that Angel."

"It's cool." And with that it was awkward the rest of the way home. When I arrived I final decided to say something.

"So see you another day?"

"Yup." And he left.

There a chapter now go to sleep.

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