Chapter 11

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I felt weird. Actually I didn't even know what to feel. But I was enjoying it. I wrapped me hands around his neck and kissed back. I felt him smirk a bit. When we pulled apart I looked at him.

"Why did you do that." I asked him.

"Because I wanted to do that too you." He said. I than blushed. "Aweee you look adorable when you blush." He said than he kissed my cheek. Which of course made me blush even more.

"Stahp. Or I will pick Water Slide just to demolish you."

"I'll stop if you beat me using a gun." He said with a smirk.

"You know I can't aim." I said. He than went really close to me face. With one little movement our lips would connect.

"Than learn how too." He than pecked my lips.

"Gahhhhh stahp." I said covering my face.

"You know you like it." He said winking at me.

" I'd like it if I could sleep." I than stated.

"Is little miss Megan sleepy." He said.

"Yes and I would love it if I could sleep." I said.

"Fine." He than got off me and I stood up he was walking into his room when I decided to jump on his back. He almost lost his balanced but didn't. "Trying to kill me or something." He said.

"Nope." I said kissing his neck. Than I nuzzled my head on his neck. He kept on walk to his room, since we agreed to share a bed. When I got to his room I took off my headgear and shoes. Angel lent me one of his old t shirts. When he turned around to do something I quickly changed my shirt. When I was done I got into my side and he went to his side. And we feel asleep.

*the magically time skip*

I woke up to a pair of hands wrap around me. I than realized how I nuzzled my head to his chest. With that thought I blushed. I opened my eyes to see Angel looking at me.

"Stalker much?" I said.

"I'm not a stalker." He said blushing a bit.

"Sure you're not." I said.

"So when are you gonna beat me using a gun."

"Uhhhhh I don't know about that since I don't use guns."

"I'll give you until after splatfest."

"Ughhhhh then that means I should start training." I said. I than got off the bed and grab my clothes. I went into the bathroom and changed. When I got out I didn't see Angel. "K Den." I than felt my legs being carried off the ground. "Watcha doing."

"Saving your energy."

"Can you please put me down." I said.

"Fine." And with that I was placed to the ground. "So let's get you training with a gun obviously, and see what is more your type."

"Alright." I said. With that we went out the door and began our walk. It was a nice quiet walk. Angel decided to hold my hand. I blushed a bit but intertwined our fingers. When we got there we went straight into the lobby. Getting some stares but we just ignored them. We asked if we could get a private match and they let us. We than went to the stage Bluefin Depot.

"So let see here. I'm going to have you try out this charger." He said. He than gave me the E-Liter 3k Scope.

"Uhhhh the farthest range weapon I ever used was the Dynamo rollers dude." I said.

"Well you are gonna learn how to use this." He said. He than made sure I was hold the gun correctly. "So first you look at where you are gonna shoot. Than charge it. Once it's almost charge look through there and shot when ready. Your sub is burst bombs so in case you get to close to an enemy." He said.

"And what will you be using sir." I said.

"The Luna Blaster so you have the advantage." He said. Than he kissed my forehead. Why did I have to be short. He was taller than most average guy inklings at 5'9 and well I'm apart of the short girls at around 5'3. Just saying. "Let's see what you got." He said. Than he went to blue pad while I went to the Orange. The game started. This game was mainly about kills for us. I fully charged it and let go and it made a trail. I looked straight ahead and saw he was going to the left section. I went on a box and charged my weapon. I than looked through the scope. I saw him looking at me. I shot it but I missed. Great. I than loaded it again and try to shoot him again but missed. At this moment he was already up the wall and closed by. I than super jumped to spawn. I made my way to where the grate was. I aimed and charged my weapon. I was about to shot when I felt something weird. I put my gun down and looked up. I heard music. I than saw ink fall from above.

"What is going on." I said. The ink was green so it was weird. I than touched the ink. Since it was my natural color I could touch it when I'm another color.

"I have no idea." He said walking up to me.

"But you are hearing that beat right?"

"Yeah I am." He said putting his hands around my waist. The music than faded away.

"Wonder what that was." I said.

"We might never know but guess what."

"What?" I than got splatted.

"That's what's." He said. I than respawn.

"Come on." I said. The time then was up. "No fair you cheated." I said.

"Nawww it's just strategy." He said. He was gonna give me a hug when I rejected it.

"Nope you're not getting a hug."

"What that's not fair." He said.

"I'm changing my weapon I'll be back." I said. That's when I felt someone pick me up. "Put me down."

"You didn't accept my hug why would I."

"I'll give you a hug." I said. He than placed me down. I than wrapped my hand around his neck and hugged him. I than went on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek. "Happy." I said with a smile.

"When you're around I am." He said.

"Now can I go pick a weapon?"

"Yes." He said. I than went to my locker looking at my weapons. I than saw a gun that was close range. It was the Sploosh-o-matic. I grabbed it and went back to where Angel was. I than saw the stage was a different stage. One I haven't seen.

"Angel what stage is this?"

"It's called Camp Triggerfish. It won't be release until another three weeks." He said.

"Wow." I said.

"So what weapon did you pick?"

"This one." I said showing him the weapon.

"Let's see how you do then." He said. He than squid jump to his platform. I took that time to realize how cute he looks with Blue. The game started and I began painting. I made my way through the center and went to the side. I saw Angel on the left side. The dead end one. That gives me time. I went to his side and started painting. I than followed his trail. I saw how he climbed the wall and was barely beginning his journey to the bridge type grate thing. I painted the wall and climbed up. I than followed his path. He didn't see I was there. I got to him and jumped in the air splatting him on the way. I than followed the same trail as last time. This time killing him before he climbed the wall. The time ended soon. I killed him 5 times and died once. And that one time was because I was running away and fell into the water.

"WOOOOOO." I than yelled.

"I guess you won. Congrats." He said.

"Is someone mad." I said.

"Nope." He said. He than pulled me into a hug. "In fact to celebrate your accomplish." And with that he cleared his throat. "Will you be my Girlfriend?"

Usually I wouldn't update since you know it's August. But it's Splatfest..... SPLATFEST HYPE. But it's awkward since we are at Hotdogs vs marshmallows and well I'm still on this one. But Ummmm I might skip that one in this book so it won't be all awkward and yeah. Stuff. Well peace fellow unicorns and stay fresh.

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