Chapter 21

16 1 0

"Man I haven't been in this area since right before our match on Kelp Dome." Angel said as we walked toward the arena to sign up.

"I've never been here, I wonder what new things we will see here." We walked towards a table outside of the arena.

"You guys are our last minute entries correct?" The director asked.

"Yes! Thank you for allowing us to do this tournament." I said as I signed in on a paper.

"No worries! What is your guys team name?" I looked at Angel and he looked back at me. We never once thought about what we would call ourselves. 

"Splashions?" I questioned as I looked back at the director.

"Alright, here is your numbers and we will be posting the line up in 15 minutes. Go ahead and walk in the arena." I nodded and began to walk to the arena.

"Number 16. Guess there are 15 other teams competing." 

"I guess so. Also what kind of team name is Splashions?"

"I panicked, it was the first thing that came to my head when I thought about our team names." I said as we entered the arena.

"Well then, let's just try to see where we can find spare weapons." We kept walking until we had made it into a rental area. I looked at the weapons and began to ponder my options. "The first few rounds are turf wars right?"

"Yes, man having to pick only three to take to the lobby is gonna be a tough." I grab the Gold Dynamo Roller off the wall and placed it next to me.

"Getting your main for one of them is a good option. However you have been working on your charger skills." Angel grabbed the Splat Roller along with the Splattershot. 

"I have but I don't know if I trust myself with it yet." I grabbed the Inkbrush and began to glance at the wall of chargers.

"It's not an official tournament that will hurt your reputation. I say it's worth a shot to practice with it. Especially since everyone willing taking this tournament serious." I looked at Angel as he grabbed the Heavy Splatling. So he is getting a weapon that's completely out of his comfort zone. I looked backed at the chargers and walked towards them.

"Do I want Bomb Rush or Kraken?" 

"Well I would say Kraken but you haven't gotten the hang of E-Liter just yet so I would recommend the regular Splat Charger." I looked at Angel as he had the roller strapped on his back and the Splattershot in his bag.

"That is very smart. I would like to get the hang to closer range first." I grabbed the Splat Charger from the wall and went back to my other weapons. I strapped on the Dynamo Roller and I place the charger strap on my shoulder. I grabbed the Inkbrush and went to the desk to check out the weapons. After doing so Angel and I walked to the first lobby room. We noticed people gathering around it.

"Attention Tournament players! Bracket has been released! Go to your assigned lobby ASAP! Tournament will begin in 10 minutes!" 

"O wow already! Let's see who we are going against!" By the time we got there most of the players had began walking to their lobby room. I began to look at the bracket very curious on who was our first battle. 

"I've never heard of Omni-Squids. Have you?"

"I might have seen them in a tournament before since the name rings a bell. However I have no clue about their weapons." 

"Well we have to wait for Lobby 2 open up again so let's go watch their match in the meantime."

"It's a match between Dark and Lite. That's a little ironic." 

"I think I've heard about a feud between them a few months ago. But even then they come from a different town." 

"Come on Doom! We have to destroy them this time! I do not want to lose to Quick and Latiator again!"

"Dark you need to calm down. You can't play well if you are full of rage." I turned to see two girl inklings with hair styles? One of them had a soccer headband on with her hair in a bun. The other one had the tips of her hair trim.

"Woah woah. I have a question for you!" I immediately began to walk towards them. 

"Megan come back!" I heard Angel yell as I kept going towards them. They looked at my direction confused as I stopped in front of them.

"Sorry if I scared you. My name is Megan and I had a question about your hair!" I looked at the one with the shorter hair.

"Uhhhh ok... What is it?" She said very confused.

"Doesn't it hurt having it that short? If it doesn't how do you get it like that?" 

"Megan they have a game they need to be at. You can ask them the question later."

"It's not a problem. It doesn't hurt to get it. Where we are from it's common to have our hair different then the normal down or up hair like you guys." 

"Wait even guys have different hair styles?" I giggled as Angel got interested in the conversation.


"Well we will let you be! I hope I get the chance to talk to you guys more!" I said as I grabbed Angel's hand and dragged him towards the Spectate area.

"Can't believe you asked them that question."

"Hey you were getting interested!" I responded as we sat down and looked at the arena. The stage chosen was Bluefin Depot so I wonder what strategy they were gonna take. "Do you think the teams will split up to cover land or work together?"  

"I would like to say splitting up would be smart but I've never done 2v2 tournaments so I wouldn't know the ideal strategy." I rested my head on his shoulder as I looked at the two teams going to their side of the stage. I can't wait to see their weapon choice.


Okay so I'm trying my best to remember the Original Splatoon but I think now is a good time to start incorporating Splatoon 2 concepts. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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