Chapter Four - Lockdown Lizzie Borden House

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I'm on Zak's heels, the sun long gone now as he says, "let's get this lockdown started and find out what caused such violence," he looks to me and I plaster a quick smile on my face, "we can't wait to dig our hands in deep into this investigation," the camera is still rolling as I slip a hand into the back pocket of my jeans, "hey Zak!" I call as he'd turned to head for the front door Nick on his heels, but Aaron has his camera on me.

"I need to axe," I show the blade, he makes a face, "you a question."

There a several groans from around us as I laugh, the camera still rolling, I follow on Nick's heels with Aaron on mine; the owner locks us inside as we resituate ourselves in the entryway cameras pointed around.

"Corny jokes aside," Zak nudges me, "we have nerve center in this side room here," he gestures to the space with several pieces of equipment laid out and batteries charging on a small table, "time to go night vision."

We originally were going to have a group of people who do seances and the owner, but with me along Zak changed up the plan in fact I'm going to be roaming the house by myself for a half hour or more depending on what kind of activity I can invoke. I'll have static night vision camera on me, the guys will be watching the ones we set up right before we filmed us being locked in, I can't hear them from the camera, but the walkie talkie at my belt is efficient enough.

"I think I should start where I was earlier today," I tell him as Nick hooks up my camera, "at the couch where Mr. Borden was murdered."

"You think that's a good idea?" Aaron asks and I nod, "yes that's where the activity for me started; I don't see why it wouldn't work under full darkness."

When Nick hands me the camera, Zak hits the walkie button making sure both of them are working, the one at my belt makes a noise echoing his voice and he nods to me that we're good to go; I close the kitchen door behind me as I head out turning the camera to night vision as I do so. As I'm walking, I talk in a normal tone, "Mallory Bagans on night vision, the Lizzie Borden house living room where earlier I felt several different presences reach out to me." I'm more or less watching the screen of my camera because I can't see shit and mutter as if talking to the audience, "you guys can see pretty clearly thanks to the night vision, it might seem bright to you but I can't see anything but the camera window, here," I flip the night vision off, "is what I see, it's crazy."

The air is thick with something as I turn the corner into the living area, the couch taking up most of the small window, "Mr. Borden," I breathe, "Mr. Borden are you here with me? I think I felt you earlier today, when I touched the arm of the couch you died on," my hand brushes the arm just like I did earlier, "was that you trying to communicate?"

Nothing reaches out to me, nothing cold grabs my hand as I stand there for a few minutes which is a bit frustrating, "did I spook you earlier?" I call out, "because if I did, I'm sorry. I can sense you around though, please you're safe to talk to me." Out of nowhere my walkie crackles then dies out again, I feel my eyebrow raise and turn to the night vision camera mounted on a stand in the corner of the room. I wait a beat then ask the guys through that camera's audio, "did you guys try to call me?"

The walkie at my waist crackles this time with a voice following the sound, "say that again?" that's Zak so I pick up my own pushing the button waiting a few seconds before speaking, "was that you trying to talk to me?"

"No, we hadn't touched our walkies since you walked out."

The hairs on my arm start to stand up realizing what that means, "so my walkie just crackled," I talk into the camera as I turn it around to record my facial reactions, "I thought Zak or one of the guys were trying to page me, but that wasn't the case and now," moving the camera I point it down at my arms, "I've got super bad goosebumps." I walk over to the static night cam and talk a little louder, so it catches my voice so they can hear me again, "there's something here guys, my skin is crawling and hair standing on end."

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