Chapter 12 - Evidence Review

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The ringing of the doorbell not only wakes me but has Gracie yipping like the house is on fire or someone is trying to break in; Zak groans and gets up to answer the door. I assume it's the guys with the evidence and all the recording equipment that we need to go over everything. Gracie gets down off my lap following her dad to investigate the front door. I get up stretching slightly and seeing that we didn't even make a dent in the second pizza, I suppose I can cook if there's anything here or we can order out again, but it could be on someone else's dime instead of my own. Not that I don't mind ordering food or paying being the host in my own home, but I've paid for Zak and I's food earlier, Skye did last night's dinner which was fine with me. The yipping gets closer as first Billy then Aaron comes in followed by Zak and Nick. The guys look a little more rested besides Zak, Aaron and myself which we've been in the hospital sleeping in uncomfortable places, "hey Maleficent," Aaron says coming over then adds, "if you didn't wanna do lunch you could have said so instead of fainting."

I know he was joking but it still stings so he follows that with an apology and I give him a smile, "I am sorry, I can cook for all of you guys if you want," Nick shakes his head, "rest for you while going through evidence one of us will take care of the food." I roll my eyes at him but don't argue with the man because that means I don't have to lift a finger except to put food in my mouth and do the evidence. Thankfully I have a large dining room table, so Billy and Nick spread everything out over the wooden surface, including opening and plugging in several laptops. Billy will be the one to finish up all our findings, videos and research along with editing the show to send to the Travel Channel. They'll do the last touch ups there and prepare it for TV about a week later, thankfully we'll have the promo and opening video ready by then too so Billy will add that to this edited version before sending it off for final approval.

Billy sits at the laptop pulling several notebooks out and boots up the machine, I sit beside him the EVP device lying at my fingers; I'll listen to it with headphones to better hear the voices that we managed to capture that night. Aaron goes to my kitchen in search of beer or something to drink; he knows I tend to keep my fridge stalked with alcohol, water and a few other things to sate my guest's thirst. They've hung out at my place a few times for live tweet premiers of the show, but we haven't done anything like this at my house before. Billy yanks out a pair of his headphones and gets to work and I follow suit; Nick, Aaron and Zak get to work too and we go like that for a few hours. Gracie's head is on my foot when I make a noise causing all of them but Billy, who still has his headphones in to look at me.

"What's up?" Zak asks and I gesture to the EVP device, "the first voice we caught on here, was when we were upstairs right? I mean after I left?"

Zak nods.

"It says 'the girl.. the giiirl," I say and Zak rises from his chair catching Billy's attention, "let me see?'

He takes the device from me and puts the headphones in his own ears then presses play, he does that a few times to make sure he heard the voice and that he heard exactly what I did then nods at me, "yeah it does," he agrees and I add, "I heard that earlier in the lockdown that night."

"You did?


"We'll that's something, Billy?" He nudges his friend who pulls one headphone out, "mark that please?" He does as Zak asks then puts the headphone back in getting back to work on the visual stuff to mark and edit it for the show. Zak hands me back the EVP device and headphones then goes to sit back at his spot at the table, after a while Nick gets up with phone in hand to order food I believe. I really hope he doesn't order pizza because I think I'm a bit pizza'd out for now at least; he pulls the phone away from his face turning to face the rest of us, "wings okay guys?" I nod once even though I had it earlier, the guys give him the flavors and Nick tells the person the phone what we want; Zak and I usually like the same wing flavor, so I don't bother telling him what to get me.

"Hey Mal," Billy says nudging my arm and I pull my headset out, "what's up?"

"That uh room you were in the one you took the hatchet into?" I nod and Zak looks up with eyebrows creased, I know he's probably still angry over that and is trying to keep his cool, "yeah?" Judging by my brother's face that I glance at I can tell he doesn't want to talk about it because of what happened but whatever the case we need the evidence.

"I got a few things on the visual camera, I'm not sure if you got anything off the EVP yet or not."

"Uh no not yet, didn't make it that far," I admit, but don't add that I did some EVP work right after we were getting ready to close the lockdown for the night, "there were a few murmurs I couldn't make out and a few 'get outs,' but the one thing that I heard gave me chills."

"Can you put it on speaker?" Zak asks to which Billy nods, "yeah give me a second."

He taps away on his computer, pulls out the headset cord and Aaron turns his head to listen better.

"Alright I'm not gonna tell you what it says exactly I'll let you figure it out first."

Zak, Aaron and I nod; Nick returns looking over Billy's shoulder as he pushes play on the audio, at first you hear Aaron talking, begging me to put the hatchet down then a raspy voice comes through awfully soft and quite fast. At first, I can't make out what it says so I say, "turn it up then slow it down please and play it again?" Billy nods taps a few times on his computer then hits play once more.

She's mine... do... harm

The chills are instant and the hair on the back of my neck stands on end, "ah hell," I murmur and Zak says, "did that say what I think it just did?" I look at him, "before I say what I think it did what do you think it was?"

"She's mime, do harm," Aaron says a loud and I shiver again knowing true and well that that's what I also heard, "fuck," the words drops from my mouth and all the guys look at me with wide eyes, "what as if you guys don't swear."

"Haven't heard you swear like that in a while," Nick admits.

"Well, wouldn't you?" I ask and he nods, "yeah I guess I would."

"Well I think it uh wanted you to do harm," Zak says.

"No kidding," I sigh and wipe my face with both hands, annoyed, angry and outright terrified of those few words. What if whatever said that was the thing that followed me home? What if that was the thing that forced Lizzie to kill her family back then? I get up and walk away from the table putting all of this behind me for a bit, "Mal?" Aaron says but Zak's voice says, "just give her a minute."

I'm grateful that Zak said something, I really do need a minute to wind myself back down to normal after hearing that, usually I don't help with the evidence because I usually don't go that far in the lockdowns, but this is something different. I've watched the show of course before I even joined, heard and seen evidence on the TV screen, but then again this is different than watching it on TV and watching it happen to someone else. Gracie is at my heels as I go outside to sit in the grass, grounding myself usually helps so I slip off my sandals and sit in a warm patch, the sun almost down over the horizon now. As I sit there, Gracie joins me laying her head on my knee as I ponder what I just heard and think about that night after experiencing all that I have within the last few days.

Honestly, I don't remember much of that incident with the hatchet, but what I do remember is the utter lack of control that I had while sitting there, trying to fight off the poltergeist or ghost or whatever it is you want to call it. After I'd come out of it and Zak got me out of the building, I felt weak, exhausted and wanted to just not look back but I pushed forward because I knew that's what my brother would have done. After a few minutes I lie back in the grass, putting one arm behind my head as if I'm just lying in bed rather than in the warm Nevada grass; Gracie sensing my movement moves with me and presses herself up against the right side of my body. Now she's Zak's dog of course, but right now she's acting as my own emotional support animal and I'm not complaining one bit.


Mallory Bagans - A Ghost Adventures Fan-FictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora