Chapter 17 - Bonding

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With a groan I roll finding myself under a new comforter, the smell of the room isn't as cloying as it was a few hours ago; I wipe the sleep lazily from my eyes with my forearm and search the side table for my phone with clumsy fingers. When I encounter it the time says it's after midnight, how long was I actually asleep for? I vaguely remember what happened today? Yesterday? I shake my head then feel my stomach turn as I do; God I feel like I'm starving and I kind of stink. Without thinking about it I grab the bottle of water from the nightstand and make my way into the bathroom for a hot shower.

Turning the water on I uncap the bottle then raise it to my lips but hesitate, a small but vivid image emerging of me taking a sip from this same bottle and the outcome had me pinned with pain and unwavering agony. I take a deep breath though and take a long draw from it because I'm so thirsty I'd drink salt water to make the dry mouth go away. I get a mouthful down, then another but by the third my stomach and throat seemed to hurt so I stop; at least this time – this time I was able to take a long drink without feeling like I was going to die from dry heaving. The bathroom has started to fill with steam, so I strip out of my sweat and vomit smelling clothes tossing them into the basket next to the door, I'll do laundry once I get more strength than I have now. I'm lucky enough to even want to get up and shower at this point, I wonder if anyone is still here or if they went home after I'd finally settled for the night/day.

The water is hot almost to the point of painful when I step inside, but I endure it without making a sound, I let it patter over me soaking into every part of my body that it can get to then I put my face directly under the stream with eyes closed. As the water pounds against my face I start to feel some of the events wash over me, the spirit had not only followed me home from the Borden house, but it wasn't a spirit at all but a god damn demon. Gritting my teeth I wipe at my face with both hands and turn my back on the stream, the thing was what caused Lizzie to go berserk, to hurt and maim her family and it's exactly what it wanted when it finally took control of me in the backyard.

With a cry of rage I strike out without even thinking about it, my fist colliding into the plexiglass of my shower, surprisingly the glass doesn't break but my hand bounces off it and back. It throbs heavily as I stand there with it still clenched at my side. I'm angry at this damn feeling, at the damn demon that put me in this state, but I know if Zak can get through his worst days, then I can too even if my body feels like freaking Jello. I don't have the urge to punch anything again, at least not right now, so I wash my hair first then my body then wash my hair a second time before deciding that I'm clean enough to at least get something to eat. All the vomiting and dry heaving has left my stomach a gaping maw waiting for sustenance, I just hope I can hold some kind of food down or I could get sick from not being able to eat.

Last thing that I can consciously remember is Aaron coming into the bathroom earlier, after that it's all a blur, I wonder why it was him and not Zak checking on me then again, I don't think it should really matter. My brother can absorb energy from people whether good or bad and maybe he himself was having a bad reaction to it too. Once the water is off and I'm dried I grab one of my old ratty shirts that I leave on the back of the door and toss it on, it comes down to my knees so I'm not too worried about who sees me like this especially if it's as late as my phone's clock says it is. My room is cold as I leave the bathroom which makes me shiver, the air is still heavy with smells, both pleasant and unpleasant, I'd left the bottle of water in the bathroom but don't go back for it as my stomach gives a painful hungry twist.

When I emerge into my living room, I find my brother in the same clothes I last seen him in, Gracie is perched on his belly sleeping however as I walk past the recliner, she picks her head up while sniffing the air. The smell of hot water and my body wash has probably roused her, when she finally sees me, her tail starts going crazy and she jumps down off her dad which she does quite gracefully and delicately. I kneel on both knees as she jumps at my face trying to lick every part she can reach, but after a while she stiffens and backs off before going to Zak again. However as she leaps up onto the chair it startles him as it rocks and he looks around with bleary eyes.

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