Chapter Five - Wherever I go, the paranormal follows

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He doesn't even bother taking me to nerve, instead he barrels right outside, usually the doors are locked, but I guess Nick paged the owner asking to be let out for some fresh air. I can hear a car engine humming for a long moment as Zak deposits me on the curb, the concrete cold even through my thick jeans and stays kneeling at my level as I feel the heat slowly coming back into my body even with the night air being chilly itself.

"What were you thinking taking that axe in there?" Zak asks as I stare at the ground, "I thought I could trust you on this?"

"Zak, man take it easy," Aaron mutters.

"No, dude, no. She could have ended up with a severe attachment, hell she still might."

I stare at the ground some more then look up; Zak's eyes aren't angry nor are they anything else but full of sympathy.

"I'm sorry, Zak, really," I murmur, "there was so much activity, so much going on and I couldn't help myself."

"I thought you were being possessed," he admits.

"Maybe I was, I'm not entirely sure," I sigh, "but it was – was something I've never experienced before."

Zak looks over my shoulder at the house, I wonder if Nick came out too, but then he looks back at me.

"I'm not calling it a night," I snap as I know that's what he was thinking and about to say which makes him frowns, "Mal, something happened in there, something big."

"That's why I'm not calling it a night. Whatever is in there, it's reached out multiple times to me you know that now. Hell you send Aaron back into places after a spirit has reached out or even called his name."

Zak gets to his feet with a groan either in annoyance or anger, but he knows that I'm right after all he's faced worse than this and kept on trucking even after needing cleansing from the Island and the tattoo he'd gotten to honor that experience. With shaky legs underneath me I get up and brush the dust from my black pants, "are you coming back in or not?" I ask and he turns to face me, Aaron is standing beside us with camera still in hand. I know that most of this exchange will appear in the show, we all still have microphones on and not only that, but the cameras almost catch everything that is said by us.

"You're not giving me much choice here sister," he mutters but leads the way back into the house. We have about three hours or so left until dawn, after the two experiences I've had in the house it's gone mostly quiet which is odd.

The four of us are congregated in the living space once more, each of us holding cameras with night vision on pretty much pointed at each other or close to it to not miss anything.

"I'll go back upstairs," Zak announces, "you three check out the rest of the place."

I know why he said he'll take the upstairs, but I don't complain as long as I'm not left alone or even wander on my own, I should be just fine; Aaron does stick close to me as we pass through the living room door into the kitchen area. I mean there hasn't been much action in here at all tonight, but we do what we can. After about ten minutes or so we hear Zak shouting upstairs, his voice muffled until he comes to the top of the stairs, "guys!" he shouts once more, both Aaron and I glance at each other with the camera, "get up here!"

Aaron and Nick tromp up the stairs ahead of me, our cameras swinging, our feet make loud echoing bangs as our boots come down on the hardwood stairs, Zak is looking out of breath as I glance through the camera viewfinder.

"What happened?" I ask and he points to the room that I was in earlier, "I turned my back to come into the side room" he explains, "and I heard a rattling which startled me, so I went to check and the damn drawer had been opened."

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