Chapter 11 - Babysitter on Duty

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On the short ride to my house Gracie curls up in my lap and takes a nap while Zak just shakes his head, I smile at him as I pet her head softly. He's had Gracie for a few years, when he's away I usually watch her or mom does if I go along too; mom adores Gracie too but I think she's hoping that one of us finds a partner to have grandbabies with that she can spoil. I know Zak is practically married to his work right night and I just haven't found the right person to make that kind of commitment with yet.

"Oh Zak?"


"I'm not apologizing for smoking pot," I tell him and he groans in annoyance almost forgetting about that, "you're lucky they didn't follow through with any drug tests, that could not only look bad on you but us too."

"Why I wasn't even on the team officially yet," I argue back.

"I have an image; you know this even if you aren't part of the team."

"Oh save it," I grunt, "or just go back home."

Gracie shuffles on my lap as he pulls up to the curb near my house, "I said I was going to stay with you and I mean it," he states, "I didn't just pack up my stuff and Gracie for nothing ya know."

"Oh I mean you can go," I say as I open the door while taking a hold of Gracie's leash, "but the dog can stay, at least she knows how to have fun."

He says something that I can't hear because I closed the door loudly on his words; I don't even bother getting my own bag either just walk with Gracie up my porch steps as she yips the whole way; I smile at her enthusiasm she's probably excited to be out of her own house and get to see and smell new things. She's lucky I have a fenced in backyard to begin with, I don't have a pool like Zak, but I have an overly large garden and small off the house porch patio with a canopy.

"I hope your dad brought your food and water bowls girl," I tell her opening the front door, which it too was unlocked and I frown. Did Skye forget to in her rush to come see me? Or did whatever it is following me unlock my stuff to make me feel unsafe? I know I should say something to Zak but I don't right away at least not until the two of us are in the house together; I release Gracie from her leash prison when Zak closes the front door and he looks at me, "did you unlock your door somehow?" He asks.

"Uh no actually it was unlocked."

"Huh, Skye assured me it was locked when Aaron came to get her."

"Yeah, I uh thought she would have to," I mutter and Zak touches my shoulder, "we'll get this figured out Mal."

Gracie wanders the house while Zak goes upstairs to my office/guest room, it's a bit messy but Skye seemed to prefer the couch anyways which if I didn't have a bed to sleep in I would prefer the couch too. I'm digging through the fridge a few minutes later, then checking the cupboards and sigh in annoyance knowing that I'll have to go to the store or just order in for the night and go shopping later. Zak probably isn't in the mood to drive to the store and deal with the public so I take the initiative and call into the local pizza place for two large pizzas and a thing of wings to share.

When Zak comes back down after a while, he's in sweatpants and a black tank top; I look him up and down as he situates himself on my couch, "what?" I raise an eyebrow, "do you own any other color than black?" I ask teasingly, he smiles trying to lash out with a foot to tap my leg, but I dance out of reach.

"You know that I do," he grunts.

"Not much," I mutter heading to the door as the bell rings then shout, "soups on!"

I open the door handing the guy money along with telling him to keep the change, I know delivery people sometimes have a hassle with the guard at the gate so the tip keeps them from denying delivering to us. I kick the door closed balancing the pizza and wing boxes in my hands.

"I wasn't sure what you were hungry for," I tell him over Gracie's yipping, "so I just got pizza and wings."

"That's cool Mal," he says as I set the stuff down on the coffee table, I almost sit on Gracie as I perch myself into the overstuffed armchair. She wiggles out and sits on the arm of it between me and Zak who is already reaching for the box; I mean I had pizza yesterday but it's a comfort food that most girls and some guys would agree with.

I flip on the TV leaving it on the cartoon network channel that it was on when Skye was here, Zak makes a noise either in annoyance or amusement but doesn't ask me to change it which I'm grateful for. I can't take much of real life right now after everything so the two of us sit in silence watching cartoons while Gracie snoozes on the arm of the chair between us.

After I've had enough or well my stomach feels like it's gonna burst, I ask, "so when are we doing the promo and new opening shots?" Zak licks his finger free of pizza sauce before saying, "tomorrow actually I wanted to tell you sooner, but you said you had to think about it still. Is this you taking the job?"

"Yeah, I suppose it is," I sigh heavily and lean back in the chair, Gracie comes down and plants herself on my lap, "do I have some stuff to sign or something to make it official?"

"Yeah, I'm having the head of the production and the Travel Channel send it over," he says, "the guys will be over later this afternoon to go over the evidence."

"Now I feel like crap," I mutter, "we were supposed to go over it yesterday."

"You act like we don't have hiccups any other time before you joined the crew."

I roll my eyes but don't say anything else as we watch tv, eventually the two of us fall into a short nap with Gracie lying across my lap keeping me warm for the next few hours.


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