Chapter 13 - Unexpected Intruder

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My sister isn't easily scared at least not that I've ever seen while growing up, but watching her leave so slow almost like in a trance makes goosebumps rise on my skin; what makes it even more nerve wracking is watching my dog leave with her without a glance back at me. I know how much Gracie loves my sister, how much she adores her even while I'm around, but something really isn't right here, not at all.

"Dude maybe we should finish this up later," Billy says softly and I shake my head, "no we need to get this done, the promo and photoshoot are later this week; this needs to get done ASAP.

"But Zak," Aaron argues, "something isn't right here especially with Mallory, all of us can see that, why can't you?

"Who says I can't?" I argue turning to face them, Billy and Aaron look away, but Nick holds my gaze, "dude, we all saw what just happened, whether in person or through the lens of a camera. Besides, Mallory just got out of the hospital due to a possible attachment she needs to be separated from all of this man."

"She decided to be a part of the team," I announce and all of them look at me, "this is a hurdle we all have had to face; we need to –" my words are cut off as Gracie starts to bark, but it's not her normal bark there are deep, menacing growls behind and during each bark. The hair on the back of my neck stands on end as both Aaron and Nick beat me to the back door where Valerie had disappeared out of not too long ago.

"Uh Zak!" Aaron shouts which gets me moving, I join them standing between and behind Nick and Aaron; at first I don't see anything and say so but Nick points to the back part of Mallory's yard where Gracie is barking and pacing about hysterically. I can't see Mallory, but when I push through the guys and open the door, I can hear soft humming along with a few words that I can't quite make out.

"Stay here," I mutter to them, "I might need you to call the Father and sister."

"Just don't do anything rash," Aaron says and I nod once in understanding; if you try to provoke a spirit or even say the wrong thing without meaning to it could cause the person being controlled to become violent and lash out. I still can't see Mallory as I reach the part of the yard where she had been laying or sitting, I only know this because the grass is all pressed down and bent in a smudged shape of her body.

I still can't see my sister anywhere until I reach the spot where Gracie is still frantic, a growl emanating nonstop in her chest. She looks from the small set of flower bushes then back to me, her eyes wide in fear and something else. When I reach the edge of the nearest bush, I finally see Mallory, sitting cross legged in the flower bedding, humming to herself while touching the flowers and occasionally pulling them free from their homes. Without even noticing the thorns on some of them prick her fingers so there's small rivers of blood coating her skin, I know now that this, this isn't Mallory at all. She's usually more careful, more precise with her flowers when she has time to prune them herself.

"Mallory?" I ask softly to not spook her, but she doesn't turn to face me, just gives a little laugh almost childlike in nature, "Mallory are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" she asks, her voice soft and breathy, "it's twilight, the flowers are gorgeous and I –" she hums a bit, "am never happier to be where I am now."

"So you're not worried about the shop?" I know asking that question could set her off if it is her, but I have to be sure. Without missing a beat she shrugs, "just things ya know? Just things," the humming commences once more and I know then that this – whatever this is, is not my sister at all.

"You're not Mallory," I mutter and the humming instantly ceases, the being or whatever it is rises on her legs brushing dirt off of her clothes and holding herself as if she's wearing some kind of skirt or dress.

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