Chapter 6 - Lockdown Hangovers

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Before I start to undress, I realize that I need at least one of my crystals to shower with in steamy water, it helps the rocks absorb the negative energies faster so without thinking about it I toss a large body sized towel around my body and step out. The water drowns out the door as I find Nick staring at one of my crystals, the one at the foot of my bed, when he realizes I'm not showering he turns his face while covering his eyes.

"Sorry, Nick," I mutter, "but I need one of my crystals for my shower."

"No – no problem, Mal," he states.

I quickly move about, grab the headboard crystal then rush back into the bathroom leaving the door open slightly like I said I would; after a minute I swear I hear the TV being turned on, which is fine keeps him busy. I'll try not to take too long because I can imagine he's probably just as exhausted as I am and probably starving too. I hope that Zak can bring me up something later after him and Aaron are done getting food for themselves; then again with how I was feeling before this maybe food isn't a good idea until I've gotten some sleep.

The shower is steaming heavily now which is good, my shampoo/body wash I pull from my toiletry bag which is scented peppermint; it helps to clear energies if I had lavender scent for it, I think I'd be overwhelmed since lavender is pumping through my oil diffuser right now. Tonight I'll have to put this crystal up to recharge after absorbing the energy from me now, I can imagine it'll be a large amount of it too. I mean after all I was either getting possessed or influenced by something last night which was a true first at least at lockdown anyway. During my work I do get real spirits from time to time to either say a word or two or even just to glance at the person I'm talking to, but I think my customers can feel it too if they are sensitive enough to that kind of thing.

I think I spent longer than I should have in the shower because when I emerge with the crystal in my hand and hair damp against my shirt, I find Nick asleep in the chair, the news playing on the tv. With a smile, I grab a spare blanket and drape it over his body, he doesn't move, nor does he say anything. I knew he was exhausted and I feel like a jerk for taking so long in the shower to cleanse myself. Hoping beyond hope that I don't need the Father when we return to Nevada I turn the news down low, turn out my lights, set the used crystal on the selenite slab lying next to the diffuser. It should be ready to go next time I need it, possibly when I get home but who knows maybe that shower did the trick; I know I'll be meditating for a few days after we return to keep my aura and chakra clean of the negative stuff.

I will also sage myself after I've unpacked and washed my clothes to be on the safer side. There are so many ways I can cleanse from a lockdown and I'm glad to be a wiccan and know all these things; with Nick snoring lightly, I crawl into bed pulling the comforter up over my shoulders and closing my eyes. I should have woken Nick up and sent him to his room, but I would have felt bad waking him up, sometimes when I'm woken up from sleep it's even harder for me to try to go back to sleep. Next thing I know there are several rather loud voices in my room, how the hell did these idiots get in anyway? Unless, then I remember dully without moving that Nick was still sleeping in the chair when the others came around to either check on me or get their friend, Zak is annoyed, "you were supposed to watch her Nick, not fall asleep on the job!"

"She was fine," Nick argues back with a yawn, "I was exhausted man."

"Take it easy Zak," Aaron growls, "we're all still exhausted and on edge."

"She didn't even eat before she knocked out for the day," my brother mutters and I feel the bed dip at my feet, "what was she like before she showered?"

There's a long pause, longer than was necessary because I actually felt fine, just exhausted, but I stay still in my bed trying to breathe like a sleeping person.

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