Chapter 18 - Long Recovery and a Happy Ending

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I'll be honest, I never believed in ghosts, spirits or even freaking demons until I met Mallory Bagans almost two years ago now; she was sweet, shy but at the same time she could lay you out flat if you looked at her or her brother the wrong way. Now, watching her sleep against me, the vulnerability on her face in sleep tells me so much more than anyone could ever see about her. I could see how much fear was on Zak's face when I came over yesterday to find out what happened, his texts had been so vague and I had to know for myself if my best friend, my soul sister, was going to be okay.

It took me less than a month to believe Mallory of what she could do, what she could see and hear, then after that it was like we had known each other for years. Nothing she does freaks me out any more like it used to at first, now though, now I'm scared not because of her being exposed to it but by how severe the damn attachment had been. Zak's mom wants her to back out of investigating and I partially agree, but we all know that no matter how hard we would try to sway her she'd have her say and choose to do what makes her happy even if she has to feel like hell for a few weeks.

As she sleeps, I see that Supernatural is on the TV and smile knowing that she was putting Zak through that once again; I guess he would do anything for her right now after everything. Hell, he didn't look so good even now after getting more sleep, I hope he does take care of himself and sleeps as much as he needs to before returning. I don't even know when Aaron went home, but I'm sure it was super late, the things the men of Mallory's life would do for her. The team seemed to have left their equipment on the table from two nights ago, I myself am curious as to what happened to my friend and want to see for myself the extent at which the Father Zak had called in had gone to help her.

No sooner had I thought that does Mal move away from me curling in on herself in the pillow and blanket pile; softly I lift the comforter closest to us and lay it across her body before getting up and heading to the dining room. There's one laptop still plugged into the large monitor on the table, taking another glance at Mal's sleeping form I grab the headset behind the monitor, plug it in and boot up both the laptop and screen. The program that the guys use to record or download the information is still up and with some hesitation I open it, to my surprise there's over twelve hours of footage here. What the hell actually happened that night? Why is there so much footage?

How did I know that they filmed what Mal went through? Well I'm not stupid, Zak cares for Mallory sure but stuff like this him and his crew can't resist collecting information on; I've seen their show obviously and they've had a few episodes similar to what happened to Mallory. Granted I'm sure that Zak would never make this kind of thing public for viewers, it would not only upset Mallory but cause a stir in the whole paranormal community. I'm not going to watch everything of course, Heaven forbid Mallory should catch me watching this stuff, I don't even think Zak would want his own sister to see what had happened to her with this attachment.

Giving my friend one last look I dive into the video skipping around, watching a few minutes of certain sections when I get to a certain point that not only shows night vision but a part of whatever this piece is, there's like stick figures dancing on the screen near the bed and occasionally the lying figure is shown in stick form. It takes me a few minutes to remember that it's called SLS or something like that; my blood runs cold when Mallory screams partially rising from the bed followed by a larger stick figure appearing across the room from the small group huddled over her bed.

That takes the cake, I can't watch anymore so I put everything back the way it was just as I hear a yawn come from across the room; without hesitation I get up and make it look like I was heading to the kitchen, "Skye?" Mallory's voice is faint, but I holler, "yes?"

"Could you uh get me a drink please?"

"Sure hun," I turn to the fridge and remember Zak had told me that he procured the holy water from her bathroom and placed it in the fridge for her later. She has to be able to drink the water without issue to be mostly in the clear of the thing that had taken possession of her, so I grab it and two sodas before going back into the room. Mal has a blanket around her shoulders, the other I'd draped her with is pressed against her front, "you alright?" I ask her.

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