Chapter 19 - Getting back to it

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I'm exhausted when my alarm goes off at 8:30 the morning of our photoshoot, but Gracie lying next to me and the thought of getting to include my sister in my world in depth puts a spring in my step. My girl follows me around as I get dressed and prepped for the day's events, I don't leave my house without one of my hats on or putting my hair in its usual fin style that is common on the television; not that I don't like having my hair be natural in the public eye but it's just a comfort thing ever since I started investigating. After I'm dressed and ready for the day, I get my phone out to call Mallory it's closer to nine now, hopefully she's awake or just getting around since the shoot starts at 10 and I want all of us to be there a little earlier. When I call her though it goes to voicemail and I frown, usually she's decent about answering the phone within a few rings, I don't leave a message and look down at Gracie who is waiting expectantly for her breakfast, "just hang on," I murmur to her as I push Mallory's number again. This time she answers on the third ring, "hey I'm up," she grunts sounding annoyed or still exhausted.

"Why didn't you answer the first time?" I ask and she sighs annoyed before grunting, "because I've been sleeping heavier than I used to Zak."

"When did that start?"

She makes a noise, there's a grunt that's not her own in the background and I have to pull the phone back as if to see her or whatever is going on at the other end of the phone. Who the hell is there with her? Is she still experiencing attachment hangover or something?

"A few days after the exorcism," she says yawning, "I'll be ready in twenty, I have a few outfits packed since you didn't give me any help last night."

"You're a girl, you're supposed to be good at picking out clothes," she chuckles, "that may be true dear brother, but it's your show I want to look appropriate."

"I'm sure whatever you picked out is fine," I huff, "I'll feed Gracie and be over."

"Yeah, yeah," she says then hangs up hurriedly, looking at Gracie again I say, "she's up to something, isn't she?" My girl gives a soft bark as if to demand food or to agree with me, either way I'll probably get to the bottom of it soon enough.

Once Gracie has been fed and my assistant called for other things that need done today that I can't attend to, I leave the house and to the garage; she may be feeling a lot better, but I'll feel better about driving her myself instead of letting her do it. Besides if she asks, I'll just say it'll save us gas riding together to the office instead of taking two vehicles, nodding to myself I go to the garage pulling the brim of my hat down as I climb inside and turn the key.

When I talked to the guys last night before I went to bed they were all geared up and ready to go for today's events; it's not investigating, but it can still take a lot of work to get the right shots for the end product. When I talked to Aaron, he seemed aloof and out of sorts, but I hadn't pressed him about it because we all have had a long week and a half after we got back from the Borden House. Since we're not only going to be doing some shots at the office, but outdoors it's going to be a long and hot day; according to the radio today's forecast is going to be sunny, hot and cloudless, great.

As I pull up to my sister's house I feel my face morph into a quizzical expression, why is Aaron's car here? I knew something was up when I called my sister earlier by the way she was quick and short with me on the phone, I pull the key and walk up the stone steps and knock then hear, "come in Zak, it's unlocked!" As I pull the door open, I'm assaulted by the smell of bacon and coffee, holy shit my sister cooked breakfast? In my surprise I hastily make my way into her kitchen where I find Aaron seated at the breakfast bar already dressed while my sister is in her sweatpants and night shirt which I find extremely odd. Normally she doesn't like to be caught off guard by anyone, "hey?" I say as a greeting and question.

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