Chapter 14 - Enter the Father

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Aaron managed to drag me out of the bedroom by my arm, closing the door behind us, my sister's room is pretty neat and free of anything that could actually be used as a weapon. Within the few minutes of getting her inside and to the room the doorbell rang and I race down the hall to answer it but Billy has already opened the door, the Father stiffens as he feels the amount of bad energy wash over him from inside the house.

"Hello again Zak," he says with a small smile, "I wish we were meeting under better circumstances.

"Father Bryan, I uh agree with you," I tell him, "thank you for coming. Is Sister Mary Joan with you?

"Of course," he looks over his shoulder to the van they drove here; she's lugging two cases up the sidewalk, "Zak, good to see you as Father Bryan said wish it were under better circumstances."

My heart is racing as I step back to allow both Father and Sister to come into the house, I see them both shiver involuntarily, but they don't say a word as they look around as if to see the entity itself hanging around in the open.

"Where is she?" Father asks as Sister Mary starts to set up their things on the table while Billy moves our own equipment out of their way, "she's uh in her room, I have the door closed."

"Is she in physical danger from herself?"

"No I made sure of that too."

"Good, good, you know the drill then," he says as Sister puts his purple and gold stole on over his shoulders then hands him a bottle of what I believe to be Holy water. "We need to cleanse and exorcise her if that's necessary which from what Aaron was telling us is more than likely the case, then once she is freed, we have to cleanse the whole house, bury crosses in all corners of the property."

"Will she be okay?" I ask worried because she's my only sister and I don't want my mom to find out what happened here tonight, although she should be told regardless after all she's been there for us through everything we've gone through getting to where we are now.

"That all depends on her," he says putting a hand on my shoulder, "we will do what we can, she has got to want to fight this too."

Both Sister Mary, now carrying a bible, and Father Bryan gestures for me to lead them to Mallory's room. I pray to whatever God is listening to help my sister, to guide her through this mess I created for her; yes, I do feel like this is all my fault for asking her to be a full-time investigator on the show. The two follow behind me as we go back down the hall, Aaron is standing outside it like a bodyguard as we approach and he nods to me then greets both Father Brian and Sister Mary Joan.

"I can't tell you for certain how this will go," Father Brian says, "but I may need another set of hands depending on how severe I deem this case."

"Of course," I say, "anything you need."

"I will send Sister Mary for you if that is necessary."

Aaron opens the door to allow them in when the coldest air I've ever felt sweeps outward ruffling not only my clothes but Aaron's, the Father's and Sister's the pair look at each other then with a solemn nod go inside allowing Aaron to close the door behind them. Billy appears after the door latch clicks into place and says, "you may not agree with this, but I – well Aaron and I decided to put up cameras in the room."

"Wait you did what?" I splutter and Aaron says, "the lights are out in there man, we know they work best with lights out, so I suggested using night vision cameras and the SLS in the far corner pointed at the bed."

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