Chapter 10 - Favoritism

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The next morning I find Zak asleep on the couch instead of the chair, without uttering a word I get up digging through what looks like a bag of my clothes on the floor by the chair where he originally was sleeping and start to dress as best I can well at least put pants on. The IV in my hand gets in the way so I can't put anything else on until they get ready to discharge me which I hope is soon; its almost 11 when a nurse comes in with a look of surprise on her face, "oh you're awake," she squeaks and I nod, "yeah, I'm uh better at least I feel better. Ready to get out of the place."

"I bet you are," she murmurs, taking notes, "the day doctor will be in shortly to talk with you. In the meantime I'm pretty sure you'll be discharged so I'm going to unhook you so you can put regular clothes on."

I thank her with a smile, she finishes her paperwork then comes over removing several tubes, the IV and turning off several machines as Zak comes around; his eyes are heavy with bags under them but other than that he looks okay. He fumbles getting upright and reaches for his glasses on the side table as the nurse takes her leave; with saying a word I grab the remainder of my clothes from the bag and go into the bathroom to dress. On cue though Zak's voice comes through the door as I'm stripping off the gown, "you're going home with me, right?"

"I'm capable of staying in my own home," I mutter.

"You either have an attachment or worse," he argues, "look I know you're a strong woman Mallory, but don't be a dummy."

I roll my eyes pulling on a sports bra then yelp loudly in pain as the elastic slips from in between my fingers smacking against dark bruises on my skin; with a curse I carefully rip the bra back off and toss it aside modesty be damned for today.

"Are you alright?"

"Fine, fine," I grunt.

Guess the bras are going to take a backseat unless I wear regular ones that won't put so much pressure on my bruised skin; that's really the only part that concerns me. I've seen my brother and the others on the team be marked by entities, but nothing like this; hell I don't think Zak has seen anything like this before. I know they've had guests on the show claim certain events but nothing that we could truly prove, most of it was word of mouth for the cameras or whatever. Before I leave the bathroom I run my fingers through my hair, either the medical staff or Skye had undone the beautiful hairstyle she'd done for my first day back at work. It must have gotten in the way with the feathers and braids, they did however pull it back with a rubber band which I put back in a loose, messy ponytail until I can get home and clean myself up properly.

I pick up the bra and leave the bathroom, Zak is examining his phone as I emerge and looks up as the door closes behind me, "I want to go home," I tell him and he frowns, "you shouldn't go home."

"The attack happened at work," I tell him, "not at home."

"It could still have been with you at home," he argues, "it probably was agitated by all the positive energy at your work."

"I'm going home Zak; I'll deal with it if it is indeed at home, I'm not arguing about this."

"Then I'm staying with you."

I groan in annoyance, but I can give him that at least until I can prove that there is nothing wrong or amiss in my house. At that moment the day doctor and a nurse come in closing the room door behind them, I think he's surprised to see me up and about or the fact that my sports bra is still in my hand. So I move to the bag and place the object in it before he can say anything; I sit on the edge of the hospital bed, "well it's good to see you up and about Miss Bagans."

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