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Lia smiled thinking back to the very beginning of her relationship with Yeji, she was truly in the moment and she didn't catch herself wishing she had paid more attention or said "I love you" more or sooner. They told each other as soon as they felt it and all the time.

What if I told you that story isn't as happy as it has been the past 22 chapters? What if all these chapters were just the most important memories that Lia had of the other woman, and that the painful reality is that she may never make more memories with her ever again?

They were.

Each chapter was just Lia remembering her first female love and her last lover.

Now we're in the present.

A grey, dull, depressing world that was. The air that used to be filled with hearts was now filled with dread and worry. Lia hadn't seen her bed in months, nor had she seen that smile of hers. Yeji's.

Not since the day of the accident, had she seen that smile,

The reality of it all? Like I said, it's dull and depressing. No one wants to start a story off so sour. Especially not a story about a love so sweet, so perfect. Everything was going for them, was it not?

They met four years ago in college, graduated, moved in together, got great careers, got engaged, adopted a dog, got married and now they're here. Hanging by a beeping machine in a hospital room.

"Lia... I-I gotta go, important business meeting, but I think you should go too. You know, see Oynx... and your bed." Felix told the blonde, who was sitting in a chair next to the hospital bed, holding the brunette's ringed hand.

"Y-yeah. I'll go home, Felix. Just after everyone comes for the progress report. I'll keep you updated?" Lia said just to soothe her best friend, her voice was famished like her body, her eyes droopy and tired, but her heart pounding in worry like it had been for months now.

"Yeah, I'll call you when it's over- or you can just text me- bye."

Lia gave him a half smile as he left the room to go to his important meeting. He's a model and his agency is thinking of moving him to Asia or Australia.

As soon as the door shut, Lia watched the brunette in the hospital bed, not moving, not but a machine keeping her alive. Thinking about all the things she hasn't seen her do since the accident and all the plans they made for their married life together.

Wiping her tears, she spoke about her day like she always does because she believes that despite Yeji being in a comma, she can still hear her.

"My company is really taking off... I'm opening stores in all of North America now! Not just The States. It went viral in TikTok so that really helped... Last night we threw a party congratulating me. We had that champagne we always have, the one we discovered in France- th-the vacation we took so you could propose to me and..." Lia broke down, unable to speak about the past. Think about it? She does it all the time, but speaking about it, she can't do it without breaking into a well of tears.

"...and then we had dinner at that one restaurant where I had dinner with your parents for the first time. The place you told me you loved me for the first time. And I really wanted to be happier, I really wanted to appreciate it all, I tried, but at the end of the night none of it mattered. The reason I do any of this is because I love it and because I love when you congratulate me. I want to celebrate with you, I want you smile and hug me and tell me you love me, and...and tell me that you're so proud of how far I've come with my fashion brand. And I wanna go to your matches again and..." Lia leaned over, crying, her tears hitting the floor. She squeezed Yeji's hand harder, covering her own face with her left hand, the hand with the engagement ring and wedding band on it.

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