Ch. 5: Welcome to Halloween Town

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Heads up the vampires except for Sarah and Erica will call the Morgan pack a coven because that's what group of vampires is called a coven. 


No P.O.V

It was a usual Friday night around twelve teens were hanging out in the living room. Sarah was watching Jane. Ethan's and Selena's and parents were about to leave when they heard a knock at the door. Mrs. Morgan opened and saw Kal with a ten year old girl and Marcus with Anastasia. Anastasia was wearing a dark red shirt with jeans.

"Hello Kal, Marcus. Who are these two?" Mr. Morgan greeted as he stood behind his wife. "This is Sophie, she's my friend's younger sister." Kal told him. Marcus carefully placed his hand on Anastasia's shoulders.  "And this is my little sister Ana." Marcus lied.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot I said I would watch them for the and visit Sophie's town the next day." Selena explained.

"Okay the can stay in Jane's room. Please let us know a head of time Sellie, We already have house seven teenagers  and one nine year old." Mrs. Morgan tells her daughter.

Selena's P.O.V

Okay mom." I replied. Once they left Marcus let go of Anastasia's shoulders looking annoyed and Anastasia felt the same. 

"Why couldn't I come by myself?" Anastasia demands.

"Because You're my little sister Ana and people will would find it strange a little girl walking by her self at night." Marcus tells her. I notice Jane walk up to Anastasia and Sophie.

"Hi do you guys like Dusk?" She asked. I saw Anastasia light up while Sophie looked confused. "What's Dusk?" She asked. Both girls looked at her before Jane grabbed her hand pulling her to the living room, most likely to watch some Dusk movies, with Anastasia not far behind.

"So where does Sophie live?" Scott asked.

"She right staying with her and her siblings are staying with their grandma Aggie while their mom is on a cruise." I explained. We heard footsteps as Jane an Anastasia poked their heads into the entryway. "We get to go to Halloween Town?" Jane asked excitedly.

"Yes as long as you behave." I told her.

"So we are heading to place that is forever Halloween with two unpredictable werewolves and a warlock that tried to turn them into humans?" Benny asked. Kal wave his hand and turned Benny into frog.

"Turn him back." Ethan told him.

"You sure? I actually like him better this way." Erica asked. I had to agree with him not talking. "I do too but his grandma might not be happy if went home like that." I sighed. Kal rolled his eyes as he waved his hands turning Benny human again.

"Thanks." Benny said glaring at Erica and Kal. 

"Okay everyone who doesn't live here or is working It's time to leave." I said shoving everyone out the door. I went into the living room with the others and saw Anastasia, Jane, and Sophie watching Dusk. "Sorry girls time for bed." Sarah told them.

(A/N because it's annoying to spell I'm just going to Anastasia, Ana for short)

 "I'm a powerful vampire and head of the counsel, I don't have a bed time."  Ana scoffed. Ethan and I managed to get them to go to Jane's room. We sung the lullaby to them and even Ana was out cold.

We walked back down stares. "You guys make my job easier when you guys sing." Sarah quietly laughs. After mom and dad got home and Sarah left we all went bed. 'Let challenge begin.' I thought to myself.

Next day at the Black mansion Jacob's P.O.V

Selena and Ethan along with some of our pack/coven, Scott, Theo, Liam, Isaac, plus the three little girls were at Jesse's and my place. "So why are doing it here?" Jesse asked. Selena rolled her eyes. "Because we don't want anyone to know and barely anyone comes to your place." Ethan answered.

Selena pulled out a key that Marcus snatched that she took back. "Isn't that the key you..." Erica started. Now I see why she didn't want to talk about it. Selena placed the key into one of the closet doors. And when she opened it we found ourselves in a grey and boring town, it looked like some drained any joy and color out of everything and everyone.

"It happened again?" Kal asked looking at everything. We saw Marnie running up with who I can guess is her brother from what Selena has mentioned.

"Thank goodness you guys are here someone taking the magic from Halloween town." Marnie told us.

"We can't catch a break." Theo groans.

Dylan and I keep doing the reverse  spell but it keeps coming." Marnie exclaims. 

Jane's P.O.V

"Hey do you guys want to see what's going on here?" Sophie asked us. Ana and I nodded as we snuck away. We soon found ourselves in a forest or something. 

"Uh if this grey spell takes Halloween towns magic then why does area still have color?" I asked.  I pointed at a clearing that had color and light. We got closer and saw group of weird looking creatures. I quickly grabbed my phone and called Ethan but I was sent to voice mail.

"Ethan, we found something." I said quietly as I recorded what they were saying.

"At last we can bring Halloween town back to the Dark Ages. A time us creatures should rule." One of them exclaims. My phone died but I manage to send to recording. Unfortunately my phone caught the creatures attention. 

"Well what do we here? And just our luck we need three children." a male voice exclaims.

Back with the teens No P.O.V

"Hey has anyone seen Ana, Jane and Sophie?" Liam asked. Their respective sibling looked around. Ethan's phone went off and they heard the voice mail. Ethan and Selena went into Alpha mode. They turned into wolves so they could track them better. When they caught their scent and started running.

"I think got their scent." Dylan said as they followed the two wolves.

With younger girls the were tied up while they cloaked figures were chanting.

"Why do want us?" Ana yelled. She hissed at them but they didn't seem fazed. "The spell can only completed with the blood two young witches and the tear of a vampire child." the female cloaked figure explained.

"But why use the grey spell?" Sophie asked.

"To keep the Cromwell's busy." Male figure answered. the two were getting closer to the three. Jane let out a scared whimper.

The group manage to find the girls. Ethan and Selena turned human  when they saw how scared the girls were and they lost it. It wasn't anger but is a need to protect. 

"Guy Ethan and Selena are about to go alpha." Aiden whispered. Ethan's and Selena's eyes turned red as they wolf beast. They jumped out and got in front of the girls. Selena accidently stepped into a bear trap making her howl in pain but she keeps on the defense. 

The pack untied the girls as Kal used his magic to tie the figures up. Aggie came and banished the figure but no one knew who they were.

"Ethan! Selena!" Jane shouted as hugged her now human siblings. Scott opened the bear trap freeing Selena's leg.

"Everything is fine now and Halloween Town is back to normal." Aggie told them.

"Okay and since we're here I need to grab a few things for Halloween The girl and will going shopping." Selena said giving Jane a hug. Everyone enjoyed the rest of their time in Halloween town.


Hope you guys like it.

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