Ch. 9: All Hallows Eve

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This is a two part-er


Halloweentown 1000 years ago No P.O.V

A young witch and two warlocks were running through the courtyard as they are being chased. They stopped with tall stone wall blocking them in front and the queen and her guards from behind.

"Halt in name of the Queen Splendora." one of the guards commands. The three turned around revealing the black eye's and black veins visible on their pale skin. "Lady Circe and lords Blaise and Aspen, you three are under arrest for use of black magic." the other guard tells them. The guards started closing in on them as Circe pulled out a black book opening it.

"Gwarchodwyr o fyw i'r cod uchaf rhewi yn eu lle yn awr fel carreg." she read as the guards turned to stone. Queen Splendora looks at the young nobles the power of black magic radiated off them like a beacon. "Please my friends that book is killing you!" Splendora exclaims trying to reach her friends.

"No Aggie, with this book we'll ensure that the Cromwell family can rule over both Halloweentown and the mortal world. Then we would have justice against those who harmed us." Aspen countered with desperate smile. The young queen could see the black veins creep up their necks to their once kind faces distorting it with darkness and desperation.

"But I don't want to be queen and I especially don't want any of this for my family or Halloweentown." Splendora argues. They looked at the queen with sad and betrayed looks at the queen's words.

"You can't stop us Aggie. The mortal world will pay for making us suffer." Blaise said in a strained voice. Splendora stood there as her friend's eyes turned completely black.

With tears in her eyes Queen Splendora used her magic on them leaving only a; ring, dagger, crown and the cursed black book. After freeing the guards Splendora cried over the lost of her closes friends.

Present day Halloweentown Selena's P.O.V

Ethan, Theo, Rory and I were in Halloween town to get some add-ons for our costumes since tomorrow is Halloween and the our town is having a giant Halloween part in the heart of town.

"Sel, we have more than enough stuff for your costumes." Theo whined. I rolled my eyes at his comment. "Theo, you were the one that wanted to come with us." I heard Ethan tell him.

"But we visited every shop in this place." he complained. We're about to leave when I saw a strange vender I haven't seen before. "Excuses me can I offer of you four these goods?" He asked. In his cart was a ring, a dagger, a crown and a big black book. we each picked up an object looking at them.

"How much?" I asked but the cart was gone and the book was the ground. "Guess we can have it." Rory said. Not counting Ethan since he got a dagger we put on the item we grabbed. "Why did he leave that book?" I asked as Ethan and I picked up. Our eyes flashed white as something exited the book.

No P.O.V

Three ghosts left the book and entered the three teens. The three tried fighting the possession but lost the fight. Selena's head was the first to lift up as sly smirk etched across her face with jet black eyes, Ethan and Theo joined a second later.

"Blaise, Aspen look we're finally free." Possessed Selena exclaims. Both boys looked at her with the same black eyes as her. "It's good to be back Lilith." Aspen chuckled. Lilith picked up the book as the three remembered what happened.

"She betrayed us." Blaise hissed remembering how their closest friend turned on them. Suddenly they saw Marnie walking up to them as they immediately hid their possessed objects.

"Hey guys are you excited for the Halloween party tomorrow? I heard the whole town will be there." she asked them.

"Don't worry Marnie, we wouldn't miss it." Lilith assured her acting like Selena. She smile before walking off as Aspen and Blaise looked at the their sister. "What we've been stuck in that book for centuries and I'm the only one that listens when people are mentioned?" she asked as her brothers looked at each confused.

"Why was Curse with such clueless brothers." She muttered to herself. The three left Halloween town and arrived into the woods. They put the hoods of the cloaks they were wearing earlier over their heads to hide their faces. The three came upon the three witch sisters and the sisters knew the three were possessed seeing their black eyes.

"Who are your three?!" Aspen demanded. the sisters lowered their hoods revealing a redhead, a ravenette and a blonde. "We are the Sanderson sisters. I'm Winifred and these are my sisters Mary and Sarah." The redhead introduce.

"What do you three want from us?" Blaise asked eyeing three sisters skeptically. Winifred smiled showing her bucked teeth. "We just ask for a favor, if it's not too much to ask." Mary said over dramatically. The Sanderson sisters bowed to the three.

"What is it you ask for?" Lilith asks. She didn't really trust the three but she wanted to humor them. "All we ask for is when you're done with thy bodies we to have them." Winifred answered. Blaise, Aspen and Lilith looked at each other. "Deal," They told the sisters.

Two hours later Scott's P.O.V

"Where could they be?" Sarah asked as Ethan's and Selena's pack and my look for our missing members. My pack and I are trying to pick up their scents and so far no luck. 'Okay Ethan I get because unless your tracking him by heart beat you can't really track him. But Selena strangely smells like a rainstorm and Theo is always stealing Liam's or (mostly) mine clothes.' I thought to myself.

"Hold it there's some dark energy here." Kal exclaimed. Okay over time we learned that when Kal or occasionally Marnie have a bad feeling they know what they are saying. We followed him till we came to clearing and saw three cloaked figures. They had an energy that reminded me of Peter Hale. I growled at them letting my eyes glow red, Liam and the others growled too. They must have something similar.

"Looky brothers werewolves." a female's voice rang out. Her voice was very familiar. 'Please let it not be who I think it is.' I prayed to myself. The figure on the right sent a wave energy knocking us back. Selena's and Ethan's pack attacked but they were getting taken down.

Sarah kicked one of them send him flying and into a tree. As he got up his hood slid off revealing his face. We all looked surprised and my fears were coming to surface because the person looking back at us was...Ethan.

"Ethan?!" Sarah and Benny yelled in surprise. Ethan had a smirk that made him seem much more dangerous. And for Ethan that wasn't good. "Not quite though I am borrowing his body. Lilith, Aspen." He states casually. There was a vicious edge to his voice. The other two dropped their hoods revealing Selena and Theo but their eyes were black.

No P.O.V

"What don't want to fight now?" Lilith mocked. The three attacked hard using magic. Aspen would attacked swinging his dagger he mostly went after Scott and Liam seeing them as the strongest of the pack.

"What can't hit your boyfriend?" the warlock possessed chimera ask in mock concern. A cruel smile found it's way back on his face. One that Scott and Liam haven't seen since Theo was revived. Aspen knocked the two onto the ground. "Pathetic." he spatted.

Sarah and Erica tried holding Ethan back but he thew them off him. "Seems that this one is a werewolf and the strength an Alpha at that." Blaise chuckled. Jesse got in front of him blocking a hit.

"Oh Horace we both know you wouldn't dare hurt your little pet." Blaise sneered. Jesse hissed hating how the warlock was right. Before Blaise could land a hit a big wolf tackled him to the ground while a hooded figure knocked Aspen away from Scott and Liam. "That enough you three." Aggie Cromwell exclaims appearing.

Blaise managed to knock the wolf off of him as he moves back the others. "We told you before Aggie. We won't stop until the mortals feel our wrath." Aspen growled. The three possessed wolves disappeared.

"Are you kids alright?" A familiar voice asked. The hooded figure lowered their hood to reveal Mrs. Morgan and the wolf shifted into Mr. Morgan.

"Aunt Sam!? Uncle Ross?!" Scott exclaimed.


What do you guys think of this? I'll be working on the second part.

My Babysitter's a Vampire: Beacon Hill meets White Chapel Season 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن