Ch. 14: Call of the Wild

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Liam's P.O.V

"Benny are you sure you know what you're doing?" Sarah asked Morgan pack's resident fumbling spell-master. How he isn't dead is a question I'll never know just like why is Ethan friends with him.

"Come on, when have I ever messed up a spell?" Benny asks. I quickly covered Theo's mouth because I know he has been keeping a list every magical mix up that happens. Theo handed the list to said spell master as did Jesse.

"Oh come on two of the psychotic trio have a list!" Benny shouted. He looked over the list  before looking up annoyed. "And who put being a loud mouth the list?" He asked and everyone but Rory and me raised their hand.

"Okay but I gotten better and besides I think I've found a spell that could help with Selena and Ethan's werewolf side lashes out so much." I have bad feeling where he's going with this. Yes his spells have gotten better but his aim needs work.

"Ethan. Selena can you can you both come down here?" Benny called. Right as the were at the foot of the stairs Benny started to cast the spell. "Lunam alta sed mugire humilis tempus forma humana ire tempus remissionis tuae veni magnae bestiae." But just his luck Scott came down the stairs right as Benny finishes saying the spell.

Sarah P.OV

"Benny *cough* what did you *cough* do?" I asked coughing at the smoke. When it cleared the three were still there but they seemed different. Scott's and Ethan's hair were a lot darker almost black and Selena seemed eerily calm and composed. That isn't good because her chaotic nature. Scott also had a darker aura around him and Ethan looked more confident. I guess everyone felt the strangeness too as we all looked unsure.

"Are guys okay...whoa." Benny began to asked but Scott grabbed his shirt lifting him off the ground. Scott never seemed to be the violent one that was his boyfriend's thing.

"What were you thinking you idiot?!" Scott's voice roared in anger. He looked ready to punch him. This was too strange.

"Put him down Ares." Ethan spoke but his voice seemed colder. 'Who's Ares?' I thought. Scott looked at Ethan before looking back at Benny dropping  with little to no respect.

"Okay what is going on? Ethan why did you call Scott, Ares?" Kyle asked. Selena looked at him him with no expression. I mean her face looks neutral, no emotions like she the definition of order.

"Tsk. We're not your guys friends, we are their wolf side. I'm Ares and that's Themis and Athen." Scott...I mean Ares states sound irritated. 'He seems to have temper.' I thought to myself.

"Wait werewolves have separate personalities?" Benny asked. Theo and Liam had to physically hold Ares back as Benny hid behind Selena's body. "Ares keep your temper in check for once in your existence." Themis scolds him. Her voice was calm almost like Anastasia when she on the counsel. 

At the Black mansion. Theo's P.O.V

We moved to Jess and Jay's place before Ethan's parents found them. Grandma Wier was looking over the three. Liam and I had to keep Ares from running. Man he seems to hate sitting around.

"Why did you use an advance spell?" She asks slapping him. I couldn't help but snicker and it seems Ares is enjoying this too. "I just wanted help Ethan and Selena with their lashing out problem and Scott got into the cross fire." Benny tried and fail to explain himself.

"What made you think we need your help?" Athen spoke up not sounding happy. Honestly his name is easier to remember since you just swap around the a and e.

"Sorry but you guys have been really moody lately." Rory chimes in. Ares and Athen stand up from the couch.

"Do you ever think things through?" Athen roared, "Have you ever realize how your actions effect those around you? No you don't. Just ignore everyone's advice and expect them to help when it goes wrong. And honestly some of you are just as bad but Ethan and Selena never say anything about it but you guys don't know much they hold back!" Okay that was a hard blow. Never thought I would see Ethan being confident.

My Babysitter's a Vampire: Beacon Hill meets White Chapel Season 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant