Ch. 17: Village of the Darned

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A scout troop were standing in front of an old building. Two girl walk up to a tall child. The older child looks at the girls her eyes turn black for a second. 

"We've been wait for you both." she said. The two girls were Selena and Jane. Both of their eyes turned black as they smiled at her.

48 hours Earlier at Morgan house No P.O.V

"Watch our numbers grow. Mole leaders make it so." Jane chants passing  a couch of teenage boys. "Jane could you stop screaming?" Aiden asked.

"We're trying to watch 'So You Think You Can Scream'." Ethan adds. Jane rolled her eyes at the boys and went to take bite of a donut. "Put the donuts down." Mrs. Morgan tells her youngest daughter while looking out the window, "And step away from the box. You don't want the den mother to find out." Jane put the donut back.

"Who's the den mother?" Liam asked swiping a donut. A dagger flew through the air and pinned the donut into the wall. "Our resident weapons lover, Selena." Ethan answered.

"Yep I am and don't I didn't see you Jane." Selena said in the mole scout leader uniform with her hair in a low ponytail. "I was just going to have one." Jane states. Both her mom and sister looked at her. "Or  two." 

"One or two dozen. I stopped eating moleos when I twelve and my teeth still hurt look at them." Ethan commented.

"Beside you have to sell them before you get your business mole badge." Selena reminds her youngest sibling. Mrs. Morgan put a sweater on Jane. They heard a car horn from outside.

"Do we have to go to the mini moles meeting with the Tornado twins? They're crazier then Selena, Theo and Jase put together." Jane complained. The werewolves could here shouting form outside.

"They aren't that bad." Mrs. Morgan said. She opened the door as twins come running with silly string guns. They hit Mrs. Morgan and then aim  at Selena. "Remember boys if you behave I'll take on a ride on my motorcycle." She said making the boys run off leaving her clean. 

The twin's mom walks in nervously. "Hey Sam. Nice blouse." Mrs. Turner. Everyone could here the boys yelling and things breaking. Scott was about go check on them but Ethan stopped them.

"It's moleo season again. All that sugar." Mrs. Morgan sighs. The guys watched as they could clearly hear things breaking. "And Ross gets home on Sunday. So I have three days to hide them and some where Selena won't find it. Ross always pays her to find them when he can't."

 "Are you still thinking of hiding them in the wall?" Ethan asked. Mrs. Morgan nodded mouthing yes. "Don't even try mom. Dad pay twenty bucks  check the garden image how much he would pay for the walls." 

"Oh we hid our in the bunker. The kids don't even know about it." Mrs. Turner. Mrs. Morgan asked if she could hide their box there. "Yeah we better go before the boys find your matches." the twin's mom answered. Ethan hands over the box.

"Are we still on for the Waltzing  Housewives of Whitechapel tomorrow?" Mrs. Morgan asked. Mrs. Turner took the box and said, "Yes. No my babysitter had a nervous breakdown. Again." 

"Again?" The boys , minus Ethan, asked. Mrs. Turner said that Ethan could do it ignoring both the mother and son saying no. "Done, I'll drop the boys off when I come to pick your mom. Boys sugar bomb 12 o'clock." Mrs. Turner exclaimed throwing a box out the door. The twins ran out after it. Jane walked out next covered in silly string then Selena. 

"So you let me watch someone else's kids?" Ethan asked. Scott and his friends just watch in surprised. "I was thinking of giving you another chance." The boys looked at the part angel mother. "Don't worry I'll call Sarah." Mrs. Morgan.

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