Ch. 18: Mirror/rorriM

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At School No P.O.V
"The Forces of Nature?" Erica said reading a poster that was up on the wall. "Ugh I hate this hippie junk. This is going to be the worse school play ever." She melodramatically states. As she,  Sarah, Jesse, Jacob, and Jase in the hall. "So why do you want to be in it?" Jacob asked one of few real friends.

In a different hall Benny, Ethan, Selena, Scott, and Scott's friends were also talking about the play. "I don't want to be in it. I want to do lights a sound." Benny states excitedly. "Yeah that would be a lot cooler." Ethan sarcastically tells him. 

"Have you seen that controller consul? It has like a million buttons." The spell-master said sounding eager.

Back with the vamps.

 "It's on my bucket list." Erica states. Sarah looked her blond friend confused. "Why do you have a bucket list? You'll never kick the bucket." Sarah comments. 

"No could but not in the natural sense." Jase chimes in. Erica looked at her friend and pack mate. "It's a long list and item 12 says star in the school play. So I can rub in the face of that pint size drama queen, Sunday Clovers." Erica explains.

The Black brothers rolled their eyes, they knew how much Erica didn't like the girl even though she super sweet. "You act like she came all the way from Austria on exchange just to bother you." Sarah chuckles, "Why can't you be nice?"  

"Don't tell me how to live Sarah. Beside maybe Rose and Jase will get to play the lead." Erica sighed. Both girls heard that the leading girl and boy would have to kiss. "It's highly doubtful." Jase states bluntly.       

With the others. "I just don't want you making lightning and burning somebodies' hair off again. You were lucky that your grandma had a hair regrowing potion." Ethan warned. "He was lucky because he lost his hair after I was down with him." Selena adds glaring at the nerd.  "I said I was sorry." Benny tells her. 

They turned the corner as both Erica and Benny grabbed the pen to the sign up list. Both groups met as the halls became one. "Age before beauty." Benny said slightly scared of the blonde. She took the pen just as the drama teacher walked up.

"Oh that's it. Let the eagles of creativity soar." Ms. LOL said as Erica wrote her name, "I'm off to make copies of this wonderful script." Ms. LOL was having trouble opening the book. 

"I don't think wants to open." Theo mutters. 

"It didn't want to be found either hiding away in that basement wall for twenty five years. And I dug it out." As she said that last part the drama teacher finally opened the book and left. 

Somewhere in  the dressing room lights around a mirror flickered on as if something woke up in it.

The next day Sarah's P.O.V

"I'm the understudy? I thought I nailed it." Erica said. Jase was going to say something but I stopped him. "You were present. The role of Waterlily the lady of water goes to Sunday Clovers." Ms. LOL said carefully. Sunday is a sweet girl but I couldn't under stand her.

"Um Ms. LOL if it's okay Erica can have my role as Mother Nature and I could be Sunday's understudy." I heard Rose pipe up. "Are you sure Rosalyn you were quite good." Our director asked. I see what Rose is doing she trying to help Erica. "Yeah Erica would way better than me." She answered.

"Okay Erica, you will be playing mother Nature and Rose you'll be Waterlily's understudy." Erica hugged Rose thankfully. We heading out when Ms. LOL stopped Selena, Jase and Jacob. "Selena, you would make a perfect Wildflower the queen of the forest. Jase and Jacob are great for Prince Sky and Ash the knight of fire." I had to stifle my laughter.

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