Ch. 22: Looking Back On Once Was

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Saturday afternoon in the park Jesse's P.O.V

"It makes no sense." I heard Erica state. I looked from the book I was reading with Ethan. She was looking at Jase and Selena while Rose and Jay were trying to get away from the little monster that is Jane.

"What do you mean?" Sarah asked. 

"It's the way Selena and Jace interact." Simone states. Now this I got to hear. And it look like Jace and Sellie were sparing something both enjoyed doing. "Yeah before it used to be at each others throats literally now they act like friends." Erica exclaimed. 

"It's because Selena doesn't see him as a threat towards us. He told Selena that he won't harm any of us as long as he says near his brothers. He has soft spot for you guys." Ethan told us.

"Have you been hacking our computer again?" I asked when I noticed Ethan was on his computer. He gave me a guilty smile. "Dude didn't remember you what happen last time?" Benny chastised.

"I only hacked into Jace's laptop." Ethan defended. I took his computer and saw he had hacked the vampire counsel's database. "How did you hack into our counsel's database?!" Anastasia quietly exclaimed.

"Wasn't that hard and it safe to an eye on you and Marcus." Ethan shot back. Yup Ethan being his adorably paranoid self so much like Nate. "Wow this database has everything on all supernatural creatures living in Whitechapel." Erica stated. 

"Can we see Jace's file?" Benny asked. As strange as it is I agree with him. Ana nodded as Ethan clicked on Jace's file. They are going to find out about our past. "Guys look at this. Jace was born blind and was the first ever vampire by...wait that can't be right?" Ethan questioned. Oh he found it. 

"Jace is a vampire  by demonic trading!? What does that even mean?" Sarah asked. I didn't know that. It was time for us to go back to the mansion.

Evening  at the Black's mansion Sarah's P.O.V

"So how is it you're a vampire but you were bitten?!" I shouted confronting the angel and devil of Ethan's and Selena shoulder. Honestly how he can do both is beyond me. the strangest thing he didn't seem to care.

"Well I summoned Lucifer gave him my soul in exchange for something I wanted." He stated. Selena elbowed him in the ribs. "Hey!?" he shouted.

"Explain or I will and you will." She warned. Thank goodness Sellie like to pry. Jace stayed quiet poor choice. 

"Guess I'm doing he gave up his soul for his Jesse and Jay." She told us. Jesse and Jay looked surprised but they talked about him before he was vampire and he seemed nice.

1000+ years ago

An 17 year old boy can running down the hall and enter a throne room stopping in front of a man. "What is it Abraham?" the man asked asked the blind boy.  "It's Horace and Elijah!" the teen answered.

They enter the twin's bedroom both were in bed gravely sick. As nurses tended to them. "How are they doing?" Alexander asked coldly. One of they handmaidens walked up to them. "They are growing weaker by the day." The young woman told the lord.

Alexander sneered at his younger two sons then to his first born. He didn't care for any of them but his wife swore that he wouldn't be a king if he got rid of their children. "Very well but make sure Abraham doesn't get sick. He might be useless but at least he is health." Alexander  stated as the guards pulled the teenager out of the room.

Back in the Present

"Wait so you are telling us, that your own father was okay with his younger sons dying and using his oldest but blind son for his own goals?!" Erica asked actually shouted. Jace who didn't look concern much rather bored nodded. Ethan and Selena started shouting  at him for his lack concern for that much.

"Can we finish the story before you guys shout at him." Scott questioned knowing his cousins  they will talk to him.

Back to the Story

Abraham (Jace) was in the throne room with his father when the doctor walked in. "Are Horace and Elijah doing any better?" The teen asked worry laced in his voice. Alexander glared at his blind son.

"I'm sorry but they had caught deadly illness and there is high chance they won't make it." the doctor explained. Alexander didn't seemed too concern by the news but Abraham heart sunk at the thought of losing his brothers.

"Abraham go and spend time with your brothers while can." the cruel lord ordered. the young man nodded and left but stopped after the doctor left and over heard his father talking one of the guards. "When those two brats are dead toss them into the lake where no can find them." he heard his father voice ring quietly.

 He ran straight to his brothers' room and both were still asleep. "Don't worry I'll figure out a way for us to leave father just like we wanted." Abraham stated making sure his brothers were comfortable.

Abraham left and head into the woods where he found a satanic symbol craved into the ground. He knew of cult that used to use. Abraham remember sneaking out with his brother to watch one of their...sessions. Abraham lit the five candles that he brought with him.

Instead of summoning some random demon like the cult would do. He summoned the devil himself, Lucifer. "Now this a nice change of pace. I was summoned by a child. Now why would you want to summon me?" Lucifer asked.

"I want a way to save my brothers their gravely sick." the blind teen pleaded. The devil was slightly taken aback. "You sure you don't just want me to fix your eyesight?" he offered seeing the teen's covered eyes.

Jace shook his head. "No all I want is for me and my brothers can stay together. I don't care how I just want to be with them." the teen begged. Lucifer smiled at the idea  that entered his head.

"Okay, how about this. I can make you into a vampire so you turn your brothers into vampires like so they won't die and you can stay with them for a long time." Lucifer offered. Abraham look hesitant knowing there was a catch.

"Don't worry consider this a chance for escape, but you have to do something for me at a later time." Lucifer explained. Abraham nodded as he could feel his heart stopping as he became a vampire.

The newly made vampire snuck back home and into his brothers' room. They he checked and saw they were doing worse. Abraham gathered some stuff and money before he bit his brothers turning them into vampires like him.

Horace was the first to wake up. "Ugh huh? Abra? What happened? How come you see now?" the second oldest asked as Elijah woke up.

"I'm a vampire now and are you and Elijah. We have to leave now, before father wakes up." The eldest brother told them getting them up. As they went to leave they saw a hand maiden at the door.

"Elinore!?" Elijah squeaked. They knew this handmaiden since she was left with when she was a baby. "Come on I know a way out of the castle. I'll help you three but you have turn me into vampire." she said. They all left making it look like the four had disappeared.

Back in the present No P.O.V

Everyone were stunned by what they just heard. "So you became a vampire to stay with Jesse and Jay?" Theo asked. Jace nodded knowing there would be more questions but was saved by Scott.

"Sorry but we have something that needs to be addressed." the true alpha said as he took out Selena's sketchbook. Scott opened to certain page revealing a sketch of two royal looking werewolves wearing masks. 'They're coming back.' was written under the figure.

"Whoever the tribunal is we need to stop them." Ethan stated everyone nodded.


Went with Jace's birth name in the flash back. byyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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