Ch. 19: Jockenstein

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The ice rink Scott's P.O.V

Jase and I were watching hockey try-outs while Ethan and Benny were going to try out. Why I have no idea is probably a Benny idea that he forced Ethan into. Ethan looks freaked out while Benny looked awe struck.

"You think Selena is going try-out?" I asked Jase. We watched as Bolts rammed into a player. "Selena is on almost every girl's team in this school and I doubt she isn't already on the team." Ethan answered looking back at us.

"Nice one Boltz. Whoo go team!" Benny shouts not paying attention.  The players are really good. 

"This team plays for one reason and that is to win." Vice principal Sterns states standing next to coach Steiner as Boltz rams into another player, "You want to make the cut. You got to sweat hockey. Bleed hockey." 

"And most importantly to have fun." Mr. Steiner adds in. Sterns glares at him and said, "On your own time. No fun on my ice. Only the best of the best will make the team." 

"Are you sure we should be here?" I heard Ethan ask his best friend. 

"The only way to get popular fast is to from a band or join a team." Benny answered. Ethan flinched when a player came a little close. "Besides you're great at hockey." He adds.

"Yeah because Selena loves it more than soccer and it doesn't mean I want to play." Ethan counters. They were watching as Boltz took down more players.

No P.O.V

"Do you have challenge that could help find our champs?" Coach Steiner asks. Sterns looks at the new coach with a very faint smile. "Everyone off the ice." He shouted as everyone left the ice.

"For try-outs those wanting to join have score against Whitechapel's best athlete Selena Morgan." He announced. As if on cue the she wolf skates out. "Oh we are so dead." Benny mutters.

"Is she good?" Mr. Steiner questions. Stern looks at him. "She is know as She-Beast because of fierce she is." he explained. Steiner looked at the group to choose who would go against Selena. "Ethan Morgan, your first." the hockey coach announced.

Ethan's P.O.V

"Why me?" I asked myself as I went on to the ice. Selena had a crazy Cheshire grin when saw me. Selena loves it when she gets a chance to use me as tackle dummy. "You ready little brother?" She teases.

Once the puck was thrown we played. "You know your better at hockey than you think." Selena told me. She went ram into me but skated forward causing her to ram into the wall. "I know your favorite tricks." I told as I shot the puck and scored.

"Who's next." I heard Coach Steiner ask. Benny was the only one left on the bench. "Okay if your still here and haven't sustained a major injury. You made the team." Mr. Stern announced. Selena and I skated to the wall. "Congrats you're the bench warmer." Jase told Benny. 

In the cemetery at night Sarah's P.O.V

Rory was helping me with flying but we crashed into Lenny.  "That's the last time I take flying tips from you." I told him. He was pulling out feathers from his mouth while Selena flattens her wings.

"Where are we any way?" Lenny asks after hiding her wings. We saw some old tombstones. "I think we're in the old cemetery?" Rory guesses. For once he's right. As we were walking I caught a whiff of something. 

"Do guys smell that?" I ask as I smelt something bad. Selena sniffed the air and gagged. "All I smell is Selena's vanilla body spray." Rory tells us before sneezing red feathers, "How do you spray your wings?" 

"None of your business." Lenny told him. 

We got closer to the smell and saw grave digger. We froze when the man digging up the grave then pulls out a saw. "That's a whole new kind of awkward." Lenny mutters.

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