Ch. 13: The Fast and Fanged

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Selena's P.O.V

I was waiting in the backyard waiting for Ethan, Rory and Sarah the sun had already gone down so they should be back. I noticed Rose walking up to me looking nervous.

"So everything I saw last week really happen?" She asked me. I just nodded watching the skies. Can't look her in the eyes. How can I? Ethan and I brought her into our messed up life and there's a full moon tomorrow night.

"You and Ethan are werewolves?" Rose should even know about this stuff she is just a freshman transfer student. "Among other things." I answered. I saw something and pulled Rose back towards the tree. Rory and Sarah crashed into the ground covered in feathers.

"Did you guys fly into a flock of birds again?" I asked knowing Rory has a knack for doing that. Ethan almost crashes into the tree but Rose grabbed his arm pulling him back. "Not only that but they also flew into me." my little brother answers.

"I think Rory just attracts feathers." Sarah states as Rory coughs up some feathers. 

"Are you excited tomorrow night is your first full to become a werewolf." Rory asked. One of Ethan's wings knocked Rory to the ground. I started to head back to the house.

Ethan's P.O.V

"I don't know what's being a werewolf like for the both of you? ¿Cómo es ser hombres lobo?" Rose asks speaking a little Spanish.

"Well we are part witch, angel, werewolf and seer. So we can't be much help." I tell her honestly. Scott took her home  while I went to check on Selena.

"Hey sis are you okay?" I winced on how used that phrase was asked. She looked away from her experiments. "Not really. It used to be simple bringing in creatures into our group, but now we have a beta." she sighed still working.

"We'll do what we always do. We'll figure it out..." I trailed off. She turned around giving an amused smile. "...Together." she finished. I knew that would make her smile.

"Hey E could you and Rose come with me to Malcolm's?" I almost forgot about her small business of fixing the old cars around town. "Sure you're still working on his grandfather's car?" I asked.

"Yep he's pay fifty buck to get that junker up and running and if I get it almost restored he said could have it for free." she told me. Selena doesn't drive cars she prefers her motorcycle every time. "Why would you need a car? You have a motorcycle." I questioned. 

"It's not for me, it's for you since you got your permit over the summer." She said as if it was obvious. I rolled my eyes at my twin and left to go to bed.

The next morning at Malcolm Bruner's house No P.O.V

Rose and Ethan walked up to their classmate Malcolm's house. They see Malcolm cover in grease and oil walking up to them.

"Hey Ethan. Rose. Selena is in the driveway." he told the two as he walks off. The two werewolves walked up to the beat up red car. Selena rolled out from under the car. "Hey guys we car talk Malcolm said he was going to take a long shower after slipping into the drip pan spilling grease and oil all over him. Ethan could get into the car." The she wolf tells them as she rolls back getting back to work.

"So what is like being you know." Rose asked sitting down near the car. She handed her soccer captain the tools she asks for. "Not bad once you get pass the enhanced abilities, mood swings...oh and the hunger to eat small animals." Selena answered. 

"¿Qué asco hacen ustedes eso?" the Hispanic girl asked.

"Yeah but it really depends since Ethan has material grandma's and mom's genetics while I have of my dad's." Selena explains. Suddenly the car starts running as Ethan quickly gets out of the car startled.

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