Ch. 24: Rise of the Queen and King (Part 2)

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At the Black Manor Theo's P.O.V

"What do you mean they're missing?!" Sarah shouted. The adults were with us. Sam was consoling Jane who was crying. Jesse and Jay went out looking for them or find any traces of them.

"When Ethan and Selena didn't show up to school I informed Mr. and Mrs. Morgan. A long with Lucifer's help they looked over this town and they couldn't find them anywhere." Stern explained. Scott looked shocked and stressed.

Suddenly I remembered something. "Do any of you know what the Tribunal is?" I asked. Agatha, Sterns, and Lucifer paled right as I said the name. 

"They were a cult that believed that werewolves more powerful then any other creatures. They followed the will of two very powerful Ghost Wolves who were called the Queen and King." Stern said with grim look. 

"The Queen and King were kind but naive people. They believed that the tribunal wanted the best for them. The tribunal convinced them that Werewolves should rule Halloween town. It was terrible war and many werewolves died that day. The Queen and King were skilled but were killed. But warlock saw the special properties and used it to make the Cromwell's gift, a necklace that can control people and obtain power. And the Cromwell's gift has been found." Agatha explained.

"What would happen if the Queen and King were brought back?" Benny asked. Agatha looked horrified. "Then they would take over Halloween town and seek revenge on those who killed them." she answered.

In the woods No P.O.V

Jesse and Jay were looking for any signs of their respective partner. Suddenly they heard something in the trees. Ethan and Selena came running out  before stopping in front of their respective boyfriends.

"Thank God we found you two." Ethan exclaimed panting. Both brothers looked at each other  before dropping their guard. "Are you both okay?" Jesse asked putting his hand on Ethan's shoulder. "Yeah." Selena breathed out with her hands on her knees.

Suddenly they were surrounded by around 50 golem  werewolves. Thinking fast both brothers started fighting the evil creatures. As soon as they were winning something hit them knocking them out cold. As they fell to the ground it is revealed that Selena had used a sleeping spell on the two vampires. Their tired and out of breath postured changed to a elegant and predatory stance.

The golems looked at the two teens as Alexander came out from his hiding spot. "That was easier then excepted." the vampire lord muttered surprised.

"Take them to the castle and prepare them for transformation." Ethan order as his and Selena's clothes changed into the ones they wore will being possessed as they put their masks back on. A golem threw the brothers over each shoulder as they headed back to Halloween town.

"If you don't mind me asking, why do you want to keep the two that killed you both? Alexander asked. Selena sickeningly sweet smile turned into a predatory one. "Because if they were strong when they were still new vampires then they will be more powerful now and make great guards for us once their transformation is over." Ethan spoke 

Once they returned to the castle both Jesse and Jacob were layed on two stone alters still out cold. Their jackets had been removed as they wore wolf skin and bones on their arms, legs, waist and chest. They waited till the moon was at its peak.

They started chanting something as they a wolf skull each vampire's face. As soon as bone made contact with skin the spell started taking affect. Both vampires shot awake and started shouting and screaming before silence. 

"Rise." Ethan/King commanded. They did as told and stood before their Queen and King. The Queen smiled as grabbed Jacob's mask chin her smile grew as it relaxed into her touch. "They're completely under our control." she chuckled removing her hand.

"Good now let's continue and take back Halloween Town." The King states as him and The Queen leave with their guards.

Back at the Black's Mansion Jace's P.O.V

 The adults left to check Whitechapel for our missing member.

"I can't get ahold of Jesse or Jay." I heard Erica state as she lowers her phone. I started to get frustrated. What's going on? They must have been captured. I noticed the medallion that Selena handed me the night before. The same necklace I saw when Emily and Nate put a stop to all those years ago. 

"Well we can't just sit here and wait let's get going." I stated getting up from my chair. I noticed everyone looking at me. "Look I know that guys still don't fully trust me and I can't blame you. Worse case they have Selena and Ethan under their control and captured My brothers. So until we get them back Sarah and I are in charge." I stated leaving  no room for argument.

"He's right and if what Jace said is true, we should go to Halloween Town and help." Sarah chimed. I heard a knock at the door. I opened it  and saw the some people I called for help. 

"Guys what are you doing here?" Scott exclaimed I couldn't blame this it was the rest his pack. "Called them. Ethan and Selena are strong but if Jesse and Jay are with them we are going need all the help we can get." I explained.

"Yeah and if they are anything like Scott then we need to go now." I heard Liam mutter.

In the woods No P.O.V

the group head to the woods Jane joined them mainly because she is very strong with her magic.

"Guys!" a familiar voice called out. They saw Ethan, Selena, Jesse, and Jay walked out from the trees. There was something off about them and the others must have sense this because we didn't get any closer to the four. "Where have you guys been?" Erica questioned sounding concern. 

"We were captured by the tribunal but we got away." Ethan told us. Jay and Jesse were unusually quiet and they looked rigid something they haven't done since they grew with Alexander. 

Jane looked nervous and worried. "You aren't my brother and sister!" She shouted staying close to Theo. "What do you mean?" Scott asked eyeing the four. "There darkness around them we can't trust them." Jase stated seeing  something wasn't right.

Ethan and Selena smirk wickedly. "Well you can't say we tried." Selena stated as their outfits change back. "Nice to see you again Abra.  Been thousand years since you and your brother killed us." The King growled as the Queen held a bow and arrow at the group.

Jace looked horrified when he saw his brothers as wolf beserkers (that's what I'm calling it). "like what we did? They were so easy to capture. Seeing our vessels without our masks they were done." The Queen chuckle patting Jacob's wolf berserker form's cheek sweetly. Jace looked angered.

"Leave them out of this." Jace shouted getting closer only for Jesse and Jacob to shove him back. "Nuh-uh-ah." another familiar voice rang making Jace see red. Alexander appeared next to the twins along with some of the tribunal members. "Attack!" Alexander shouted. 

Both the McCall and Morgan pack were being overwhelmed as The Queen and King were skilled fighters. A golem werewolf was sneaking up on Jane as she stayed a bit away from the fight. The Queen destroyed the golem before it could hurt Jane while the King pulled Jane away.

Soon Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, Lucifer, Marnie and Kal arrived tipping the odds into their favor. Mr. Morgan knocked the Queen and King away knocking their masks off the four looked horrified at the sight.

"Fall back we to prepare for taking over Halloween Town." King shouted as they disappeared. Mrs. Morgan dropped to her knees seeing her older children.

To be continue...


Yeah this is going to be a three part-er

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