3. Jumping Boobs

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My boys and Kane are just sitting at the table. They watch me and Marcus walk in then Mary comes in behind us. "I have to keep these 2 focused." They all start laughing.

She pushes Marcus down on the stool and I hand him a plate of food. Then I start eating. She gets his hair all done then I sit down and she dries mine while I finish eating. Then we all go to leave.

"No. You 2 still need blood."

Dipak smiles at her. "I take it you didn't have to get in the shower with them though. You're not all wet."

She gives him a dirty look and me and Dipak both crack up laughing.

"You 2 are the worst. You both get focused and nearly kill each other."

Tre and Tye both nod.

Kane starts laughing. "They can't pace themselves at all."

Mary walks out rolling her eyes.

Tre starts laughing. "Usually the only reason I have to be king is because those 2 can't stay awake anymore."

I lose it. "We've delayed so many meetings just so we could get some sleep."

Everyone starts laughing.

Once we calm down. Marcus looks at the boys. "Is she always so all over the place in her sleep? I had to move her 3 times so she was sleeping the right way."

Tre and Dipak lose it.

Tye looks at him. "I really don't notice it."

Dipak nods. "She is. And when she's acting younger it's worse."

Tre smiles. "We probably should have warned you about that."

Dipak looks at him. "Just wait until she falls out of the bed and takes all the blankets with her. That's shocking when you're sound asleep."

"I woke up once and she was sleeping on my back. I didn't know where the hell she was."

They all crack up laughing with that one. Tye smiles. "Yea she does that. She loves to cuddle in her sleep."

Dipak looks at him. "Usually when she's acting younger, we can put her between 2 of us and she will sleep a bit better. I didn't even think about it. But you needed a night with her anyways."

"Yea I managed. I do love the cuddles." They all nod at him.

I give him a hug.

Mary opens the door and looks in. "WHY ARE YOU ALL STILL HERE?"

The boys and Kane all jump up. "Leaving now baby."

Dipak looks at her. "On our way. Thank you Mary."

We all go up and sit in our spots.

Dipak looks around. "The final for the vacation building is in. However we're still confused about how to run the doors. One of us will have to go open them once a day and then go there and make the return door for the other people. This seems like a really big hassle."

Omar looks around. "We could always hook them to a circle and have them on constantly."

Thora starts laughing. "Are we going to put circles in the whorehouse now?"

I lose it. "The only one of us allowed to go there is Dracul and he don't have magic."

Dracul stands up. "Actually, I am no longer allowed in the whorehouse either." We all crack up laughing. He sits back down.

Gunner looks at Omar. "Why couldn't we just use the butcher?"

Omar nods. "That would probably be the easiest option. We could put a circle around his table. That would probably run the 2 doors on this side with no problem. Then we need circles to power the doors to get back. One in Egypt and One on the island. I don't know if either of you have butchers there."

Nadine Book 2Where stories live. Discover now