40. Moving Day

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A couple days later Dipak, Marcus, Kane, Tre, and Gunner are supervising the moving of the Blayze castle into ours. Marcus is having all their servants interviewed. Dipak is walking around with guards. Gunner and Kane are actually supervising the carrying of stuff. Tre is stuck in paperwork. They ended up getting 6 advisor rooms. Nikolas is on our floor, but more down by Kane. Everyone else is down a level.

King Blayze is having a meeting in his office about moving with the 3 princes and 2 advisors. Me, Tye, and Johen go over to talk to them. We're quite bored.

The 3 of us walk in and sit down on the visiting side of the table. Like we're supposed to.

I smile at all of them. "How's it going?"

King Blayze looks at me. "Moving is difficult. Especially an entire castle. It's nearly impossible."

Tye looks at them. "They should have just gave you a wing." I nod at him.

The king shakes his head. "We have more than enough space. But we have a lot of extra stuff that we just don't need now. Like all the advisor offices furniture."

"Oh yea, we have all that. But we'll probably have to redo it and move the kitchen now."

Tye looks at me. "Put Thora and Coral on that. They love redoing shit." I nod and write that down.

"We need to upgrade the kitchen anyways. It's been like 50 years. A lot changes in that time. We'll just redo the whole office wing."

Johen looks at me. "Just add another level on it. Put Dipak's office on the 4th floor and make the 2nd and 3rd floors for advisor offices. You could still redo the kitchen."

I nod. "I think they would go for that. Dipak could design his own office too."

Johen looks at the Blayze's "Sorry, that really wasn't helpful for your office furniture."

Tye looks at them. "Our castle will take all the furniture and put it in storage anyways. If any of it is better than ours, they will just switch it out to the better stuff."

I nod. "And my momma will deal with all the paintings and decoration stuff. She loves that. It'll be like shopping for her. Asa and Prinna will deal with anything that's alive."

Johen starts laughing. "And all the books will be moved to the library. Any art stuff will go to the art rooms. As soon as they push in with the full force of servants and brains the whole place will be empty in a few minutes. I wouldn't even worry about it."

"Oh you'll want to clear any vaults you have. Don't leave money sitting in an empty castle." Tye looks at them. "All advisors get a vault anyways. You can just move your money to yours."

Victor looks confused. "The advisors get vaults?"

I nod. "Yea, you'll all get a vault. The advisor vaults are close together though."

One of the advisors looks at me. "Why in the world would they need vaults?"

"Money, jewelry. Whatever they want really."

"You pay them?"

"Yes, they are all paid. We work on a title and rank system. I don't have it all with me. But Every so many years, they go up in rank. It's a lot of years. Like 100 or something. But every rank goes up like 50 or 100g a week. I think top rank gets paid 500g a week."

Tye nods and looks at them. "Then there's the title system. We have titles you earn as patches. Destroyer is 1. I don't really remember them all. But they are on a more of a accomplishment scale."

I nod. "I think destroyer of worlds is the title someone gets for killing a hostile king. You only have to do that once to get the title. Some of the other titles you have to do a bunch of shit to earn them."

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