126. Boundaries

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I walk out the backdoor again and walk to Johen. I sit down beside him. "I brought you some food."

He looks at me and his eyes are all red. "I'm so sorry."

"I don't know what to say yet. I just don't want you to starve."

He nods and takes it. "Thank you." He sits it on the other side of him and puts a piece of meat in his mouth. "It is good."

"I'm sorry too. I wasn't trying to make you mad. I just ended up in a different disguise. I didn't even think about it really. Then you got mad. I didn't mean that."

"I only got mad because you were kissing on me. I should have stopped that anyways. That was my fault. It was shocking to have a girl I don't know doing that. I did not like that at all. Then I found out it was you. I hated that feeling. I don't know why I let you do it. But I was so mad. All I wanted to do was beat your ass. I think that's where the alcohol played a factor. I didn't realize how mad I really was. We can't touch you if we're mad. We have to wait to not be mad before we beat your ass." I give him a weird look. "Anger management woman."

"Oh." I laugh for a second.

"But I was really just mad at me not you. I didn't like that but I didn't know how to stop it either. Until you went for my lips then I just said 'no' finally. I was frozen before that. Then it was you doing that to me. I didn't like it."

"I am sorry Johen. I never thought about anything like that. I never meant to make you feel bad or freeze."

"It still didn't give me the right to do that to you. I should have never touched you."

"Maybe not, but I don't know how much you actually did either."

"What do you mean?"

"You had ahold of me and I threw myself down. I think I dislocated my own shoulder."

"No baby. You were trying to get away from me and save yourself. I did that to you. I scared you that bad."

I shrug my shoulders and lay my head on his shoulder.

"What did the others do?"

"I danced with Elek for about 1 second. He just spun me off to another prince. Tye would not get near or touch me in any way." He starts laughing. "Nik knew who I was. I don't know how. Then you started dancing with me. You actually danced with me."

"Nik knew who you were by your scent." We both turn and look at Mason. "No matter what disguise you have on. Your scent is exactly the same. Nik figured that out really early. I've never seen a vampire smell as much as he does."

I nod. "That is true. He always did that."

Mason looks at Johen. "As for telling girls no. You did good when you finally did it. You just need to do it earlier. You're a king. And apparently girls like the way you look. They are going to come onto you like that. Don't get mad. Just push them back and say no. Or do an Elek and just spin them to someone else."

We both laugh for a second.

"Or you could be like Tye and be completely afraid of girls. I don't recommend that. Why is he so scared to touch them?"

Tre walks out. "She walked in on him and another girl once. It did not go well."


Tre nods. "Now we need to figure out why you panicked."

I shrug my shoulders. "You know why I panicked Tre."

"Can you say it?"

I shake my head.

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