133. Walkout

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I wake up half way threw the morning. I'm sleeping across Tye and Johen. I stretch big and snuggle into them.

"Morning babydoll."

"Good morning. I don't remember you coming here."

"We didn't want you to fall out of the bed hun."

"Oh. I think I'll be ok."

Tye sits up and wraps his arms around me. He pulls me in for a big hug. "I just missed you woman."

Johen does the same thing with my legs. "Me too." Then they just fall back with me.

I laugh and wiggle out of the bed. Tye takes a shower with me and helps me get dressed. Then the 3 of us get disguises on.

Then Thora staggers down. "I need to go to the castle. I have no clothes here. We need more soap anyways. I'll come back after I'm ready."


Then someone knocks on the door. Johen taps the box to her and she comes out fully formal with an amazing dress.

I nod. "You look a little over dressed."

We all laugh and she gets a different 1 on. Then we open the door.

Dipak, Marcus, and Luke are all standing there.

Tye looks at him. "I thought we weren't drawing attention?"

"We're here for a guard complaint." Me and Thora crack up laughing. "You can not blare music and sit on the balcony railing drunk."

We both nod. "Ok."

Thora smiles. "We'll work on that sir."

Dipak nods. "Don't make me come back."

Tye shuts the door on him and all of us crack up laughing.

Dipak yells "DAMN TEENAGERS." We all hear him threw the wall and just laugh harder.

Johen starts up the steps. "I want to see this balcony."

Thora takes the disguise off. "I'll be back. I really do want a real shower."


Me, Tye, and Johen get out to the balcony. Tye shakes his head. "These aren't outside chairs babydoll."

"Well we needed somewhere to sit."

"There's nothing on the porch below us either." Johen picks up 1 of the chairs and Tye gets the other. They get them back in my bedroom.

"Well now we got nowhere to sit out there."

"Use your money to buy some outdoor chairs or just steal some from the castle."

"OH I KNOW." I run and make a door to the storage room. They come in with me. "You know those stretchy chairs that hang from the ceiling?"

"Oh I do remember those." Tye takes off. "We got them for the teen clubs." I nod.

After about 5 minutes of all of us throwing stuff around. Johen gets them. We get 10 and go back to the house. We get to the balcony and look up. There's no ceiling above this.

Tye smiles at me. "This won't work."

Johen nods. "We can put them on the porch below this though."


We all go down to the porch and Tye looks lost.

Johen smiles. "Here I'll show you. Open them up and there is this hook. You have to screw it into the ceiling with your fingers. We just need to make sure they stay lined up. So just put them in at this line. They'll be even that way. And space them out so there's like 5 evenly spaced on both sides."

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