5. Parade

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"Welcome everyone. Come on in and then we will move to the parade start point. Emma baby, move out the way. You're to close to the door."

"Make Tye ride with you. I want a princess only carriage."

"I'm not riding with mom and dad. I'm to old. I want to ride with my princess."

She puts her hands on her hips and opens her mouth.

"EMMA. You will ride with me and your mother."

"I want a princess only carriage daddy." She looks at him and gets tears in her eyes.

My daddy looks at her and cracks up laughing. "Oh that is always so hard to say no to."

Her dad nods and rubs his eyes.

Clarice smiles. "Tye has to ride with Nadine sweetie. Maybe another time you 2 can do a carriage ride together in a parade. But it can not be today."

"Fine. But can I ride with them instead?"

"No. You are our daughter. You have to ride with us."

"But you're so old. They'll be fun."

Tye cracks up laughing and gives me a hug. I can tell he's trying to stop laughing.

I smile at her. "We won't be that fun. We have to be all behaved and royal. Same as your parents."

"I miss Tye."

I smile at her.

He gets down on 1 knee. "I miss you too Emma. How about after all this coming of age stuff is done, me and you have a tea party like we use to? Does that sound fun?"

She smiles and gives him a big hug. "YES."

I smile at him. "You know, I bet she would like pizza. You could take one of those to your tea party."

"What's that?"

"It's a really good food. And garlic bread. Oh and ice cream. With chocolate sauce. And cake."

Tre looks at me. "Are you hungry baby?"

"All that would be good for a tea party. But yea kind of."

"It would be good for a 7 course feast woman. Why didn't you eat?"

"I did."

Mary shakes her head at Dipak. "She's not eating again."

Dipak looks at me and crosses his arms.

"Lunch for me was like 2 hours after breakfast. I ate some but wasn't really hungry."

He nods. "We'll get you something in the theater."

I smile and Tye wraps his arm back around me. Must be done talking to his sister.

Dipak looks around. "Let's go before we have any more princess issues."

Everyone starts laughing and we all walk out to the parade start building.

Me and Tye are nearly at the back. We stay up close to the front where people are walking out. It's fun watching them all get ready and walk out the door. Then the king and queen go with Emma on a carriage. Then a couple more groups go and the decorated carriages. After that he helps me on our carriage.

"It's a big step up." He pulls me up.

"How do you not fall off this?"

"Stand in the middle. The paths are good here. It's not bumpy. Maybe a little one here and there, but not bad."

I nod at him and he guides me to the middle of the carriage.

Mary walks up and starts fixing me. "You'll do fine. Just don't fall off. But If you do, I'm sure Tre will pick you up and throw you back up here."

Nadine Book 2Where stories live. Discover now