89. Rushing

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The next couple days go the same way. I play with Tye and Johen as a wolf. I spend time with all of them. I spend extra time with Nikolas. The boys watch Tobias like a hawk. But he never tries anything at all.

Part way threw the day I walk into the room with the desks. Nikolas is in it with Elek. They're talking about something.

"Hi babygirl. How you doing?"

"I need off this boat."

Nik smiles at me. "Another 2 days or so. I know it's a long trip."

I stretch big. "I am so tired of seeing this boat."

Elek smiles at me. "It would be neat if we had 1 of those virtual reality things in here. Even if it was just 1 program it would be neat. Give us something different to do. I really don't know how many more hands of poker I can play."

I nod so fast and sit down on a couch. "So what are you guys doing?"

"Looking at the China resort."

"Looking for stuff we can negotiate to put in the packages." Elek winks at me.

I smile big. "Finding anything good?"

"A lot of the same really. Kids club, some different food, food plans." Elek sits down at another desk. "I want to try for the carriages and donkeys or mules. He'll own them so maybe we can get them for the packages."

"He likes me. I might get a good deal. Keep Marcus away though."

They both start laughing.

Nik nods. "It'll probably end up being Tre and Marcus negotiating everything again. I don't care about pizza vouchers or anything like that. I'll just give them to you."

"Yea, we'll have to use Marcus again. You're like Tye. You'll give me anything. But I don't want you to lose money. That's not even fair."

He smiles at me. "Oh come check out the final spa layout and I got the spa suites laid out too. Let me know if you see any issues." He puts a couple different papers on the table.

"They look really good. What did you end up putting under the outdoor spa balcony?"

"Outdoor eating area. The indoor dining room is right there. So I just added a couple doors and extended it outside." He gets another paper and puts it on Elek's desk.

"Oh that was perfect."

"You should make the spa suite beds bigger."


"More room to stretch out and relax. Then put extra pillows. Everything should be about relaxing in the rooms. Bigger bed. Couches should be oversized and poufy. A huge bath tub. Maybe put a little bottle of my bubble bath in there for them to try or a sample of the oil. Extra big pillows and thicker blankets. The shower area should be amazing with 1 of those big shower heads that the water falls straight down from."

Elek shakes his head. "The bubble baths aren't in the resorts. I don't think you should put it in the rooms unless you're planning to sell it. The oil sample would be good though."

Nik looks at him. "Why don't you sell the bubble baths?"

Elek smiles. "You know someone will put that in at least 1 of the pools. Either in the spa or in the actual pool. I mean, would you imagine Tye's rapids with bubble bath?"

We all start laughing.

I nod. "That would surely be fun though. Fighting threw all those bubbles to try and find the end."

Nik nods. "Yea I didn't think about that. It would be a mess."

Thora walks in and looks at us. "Well I was going to warn you about Dipak coming. But I guess you're good. What are you talking about?" She comes over and sits on the couch with me.

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