30. Giganbird

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1 magical night and morning later. I'm sitting at the dining room table for breakfast with Tye.

He kisses my head and I put my legs over his lap. "I love you."

"I love you babydoll." He kisses his mark on my neck. "I love it when my mark is on you."

"Me too." I fix his hair a little bit then touch my mark on his neck.


We both look at Tre.

He looks at Dipak. "There you go. I popped the bubble."

Dipak looks at us and nods.

I try to sit right and Tye starts sobbing. He pulls me all the way on his lap. He holds me so tight and just cries into my chest. I wrap my arms around him and rub his hair.

Dipak looks at Johen. "We try to save the drama for dinner."

Johen just smiles.

Marcus looks at us. "You both have to eat."

Tye nods and  I hold him tight. "You ok?"

"We haven't done that in so long. I thought..."

I sit up and look in his eyes. "Stop thinking so much. You're starting to turn into Marcus. I can't have 2 of you overthinking everything."

All my boys crack up laughing. Even Marcus starts laughing. "Yea that spot's mine. I'm the over thinker. I get all worked up about the dumbest stuff. Then she'll just look at me and fix it with 3 words."

I smile at him. "I love you."

"I love you angel. But you're fixing Tye not me."

The boys starts laughing again and I look at Tye. "I love you. We'll get it all back. I promise. The bond is just taking it's time rebuilding. But it is. We'll be fine. Everyday it gets stronger."

"Thank you. Thank you for this chance. You are everything to me." He holds me so tight. "I was so stupid."

I sit up and look at him. "You're not stupid. You just did something stupid. Next time be smarter."

"There will never be a next time." My Dipak and Marcus start laughing with the future boys.

Future Marcus looks at him. "Yes there will be. There will be lots of times. We're all very sexy." All the boys start laughing.

Future Tye looks at us. "What he is trying to say is, there are 2 types of women. Tye puts me back in my seat. Whores and not whores." I rub my eyes and look down shaking my head. "The not whores you'll never have to worry about. However, the whores are horrible. Half of them, want to fuck us because we're sexy. All of us, any of us, it doesn't matter to them. They just want to have sex with someone sexy."

Marcus nods. "They look at us and drop their panties. The other half the half of the whores want to fuck us because we're kings. They want royalty. They think it makes them special somehow."

Future Tye nods. "That was the girl you messed around with. You were a prince. That's all it took for her. Nothing else mattered." My Tye nods.

Future Marcus looks at us all. "There will always be someone for you to fuck around the corner. But you will destroy everything you built with Nadine."

Future Tye nods. "5 minutes of fun and you'll never get to see those eyes again. You'll never get to touch her or help her comb her hair. She'll never get all wrapped up in your blankets and fall out of your bed again." They all laugh for a second. "You'll lose all the friendships you have here. Because every 1 of you is her soulmate first." They all nod. "You will all have to chose the love you have with Nadine or some dumb whore every day. It doesn't stop. If you mess up, you lose your soulmate, that's the worst thing you could ever do to yourself." He shakes his head. "To live an entire lifetime without your mate because you made a bad decision 1 night. That would not be a life I would even want."

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