21. Really Old

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I wake up midmorning the next day with Marcus. He starts making me laugh and messing with me right away.

An hour later, we're both showered and dressed. We sit down and have lunch. I smile at the mark on his neck. "I wish it would stay longer."

He winks at me. "I'm just glad it's there at all. I'm so glad I found you."

I smile and a servant brings Ana in to me.

"Thank you."

"My pleasure."

The servant leaves and Marcus gives me a funny look. "What are you doing?"

"I told you already. I'm taking Ana out to watch the horses for a bit. She's probably been stuck in her room this whole time. I don't think the servants take her out much and momma and Asa have been quite busy. We need to include her more."

"I didn't think you meant now Angel."

"What's wrong with now?"

"King Marcus you are being summoned to the advisor meeting."

"You're going to take her to the field with a queen dress, high heels, and a sword?"

I look down at myself. "I may have made a mistake with my outfit choice."

He nods and winks. Then he stands up and nods at the guard.

I dump the baby in his arms. "I just need to fix myself and do something else with my hair. I'll be there in 2 seconds to get her. I need to find a human dress I think." I give him a double take. "You look good with a baby." I step close and give him a kiss.

"Woman don't start flirting with me now. I have to get up there." He gives me another kiss. "I love those black eyes. Just change clothes and we'll be in the office."

I nod and run back to the bedroom. I leave my shoes lay in the sitting room. He walks out with Ana.

I get a human dress on. Then I hook my sword back to me. I'm not going to be caught without that again for awhile. I throw on some flat shoes and leave my hair alone. It should be fine. I grab a blanket and send the servants for some snacks and baby snacks to go to the field with. I also send out some water.

I finally walk up to the office. The first thing I see is Marcus sitting at the head of the table with Ana. She is playing with his hair and laughing her ass off. I look at the rest of table. Dipak, Tye, and Tre are all trying their best not to laugh.

Marcus's dad is sitting at the other end of the table with his advisors. He's white as a ghost and has no expression on his face at all. His mouth is open and everything. I know exactly what this looks like.

"Excuse me everyone. I'm sorry about that. I had to have an abrupt outfit change." I walk over to Marcus and take Ana. "Sorry."

"That's alright." He stands up and takes the sword off me. "You don't need a sword to go to the back yard with Ana."


"No." He looks at the door guards. "There's plenty of guards out there. Have more guards sent to the fields while they are out there." He looks back at me and kisses my head. "She doesn't need to be that close to a sword."

"Oh fine." I fix his hair so it's not so crazy.

He sits back down and gets out some paper. I look at daddy. Him, Dracul, and Bud are all about to come apart laughing too. Marcus flips his hair so his dad can see my mark.

I turn to walk out cause this is all to funny.

King York stands up and looks at me. "You're so young still."

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