149. Mistakes

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After an amazing night and morning. We go back to the command room. The boys all got war outfits on and the older boys are going over everything with them. Dipak goes to put 1 on and I make a run for it.

I go all the way to the other side of the ship. Over the belt that moves people and everything. It's so eerie being on this ship. There has always been people on their ship. Now it's just empty. I see a brain every now and then but no people of any kind except us.

I start at the top in the big restaurant with the clear ceiling. I lay on the floor and watch the stars for awhile. Then I move down level by level. There's a whole animal level. I'm assuming it's what we eat. Then there's a garden level. Lots of plants. Then a processing level. Then another processing level. Then cooking. There's a lot of levels really. I keep going. I pass where weapons are made. Then apartments. There are levels and levels of those. And the levels just keep getting bigger and bigger. Then I go in 1 that is for repairs. It looks like they repair everything. Even shuttles. And there's a big door to the outside. I go down a few more levels and Future Dipak comes over the speakers. "That's far enough. Don't go any lower."

I scratch my head and wonder why.


"No. There is weapons floors and torpedoes and everything else down there. You're only 2 floor above where we make the torpedoes so come back up and tour our side if you still want to."

I stomp my feet all the way to the elevator and back over the moving belt. Then I start touring our side. I find the movie theater again. This side is set up like a big village. There's an entertainment area. Shopping area. So many area's really. I roam nearly all day. Then I go back to the theater and play the pirate movie. Might as well. Nobody is here. I must fall asleep.

Dipak wakes me up about the end. "Did you have a good nap? Shut this off."

The movie shuts off and I stretch. "I watched the pirate movie."

"Yea I seen it was still on. You ready for dinner?"


"Did you eat lunch?"

I freeze and nod slow. I don't look at him.

"If you lie, you'll get spanked for lying too."

I start crying. I don't know what else to do. "I forgot. It was an accident."

"I don't know how you could forget. They have buzzers that go off when it's time to eat. You were just to busy playing with the animals and didn't want to leave, did you?"

I nod my head and cry.

"Sweetheart, even if you would have ate an hour later, it would have been fine. But you have to eat. Skipping meals all the time is not healthy."


"Alright come on." He puts his arm around me and we start walking.

"We going to dinner?"

"No. We're going right here to this seat." I start crying again. "No. You're going to remember 1 way or another to eat." I try to run and he grabs me. "Now it's 4."

I start sobbing. "I won't forget anymore."

"I've heard that before." He sits down and pulls me down over his knee.

"No. Please. I promise." I keep my hands over my butt.

"5. Move your hands. We've all heard I promise before. Apparently this is the only way you remember. Move you hands or it'll go to 6."

I move my hands and cry.

He lifts my dress and pulls the underwear off my butt. "Count to 5."


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