143. Lucia

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Elek gets me all fixed then makes love to me. He makes me feel so good. Then he fixes my hair and gets a new dress, underwear, and sandals for me. After that I go straight up to the massage area. I make them paint my fingers and toe nails. That makes me feel pretty. Then I go get my vouchers. I go shopping and get all my stuff. I take it Tye's room and put it there. I grab a few ice cream vouchers and go back down to the pool.

Luke see's me and smiles right away. He comes right over to me. "You didn't burn."

"Nope I sure didn't. Thank you." He smiles so big. I can't even be upset at all. "They been putting the cream on you?"

"Yea dad does it."

"Ok. As long as it's getting on. You want to get ice cream with me?"

He smiles and I can see tears in his eyes.

"Come on. What flavor you want?"

"What are you getting?"

"I like chocolate. But strawberry is good too. Then there is the vanilla. They're all good really. Do you like strawberries?"


"The strawberry ice cream has big chunks of strawberries. Have you ever tried any?"

He shakes his head.

"We'll get all 3 then. You'll get to try the main 3 that way."

We sit down with 6 bowls of ice cream and start eating.

"Vanilla is boring."

"Yea it's a bit boring but still good."

"The chocolate is the best. Strawberry is good too though. They're all good."

I smile. "Yea they are. Sometimes it's hard to pick just 1."

"Do you love my dad?"

"Yes. I love him very much."

"If you breakup, would you leave me too?"

"I could never leave you. You'll be in my life forever. Just like you'll be in all the grands lives too. You belong to all of us now. We're all family." I rub his hair back. "Don't worry about that stuff. We all love you. You're not going anywhere. You're mine forever."

He starts crying and hugs me.

Marcus walks over and rubs his eyes. "You ate 6 bowls of ice cream?"

I nod. "3 each. He had never tried them. We got the main flavors."

Luke tries to say chocolate instead he starts sobbing.

I stand up. I can hug him this way. I wrap my arms around him and he puts his head on my stomach. Marcus just watches us.

I rub his hair and kiss his head. "Nobody is going to abandon you. You're with all of us now. You're stuck with us forever. Everyone loves you. You are not going anywhere. You're going to start studying reading and writing soon. You'll see the schools get built. Maybe we can even talk your dad into letting you go to a class every now and then. Just to see what it's like."

"But you were fighting."

Marcus sits down beside him. "No matter what happens with me and Nadine, we're not leaving you. You got 8 grandparents over there that you will be lucky to even get a break from for a couple hundred years. We're all here to stay. And people fight or argue all the time. It doesn't mean we don't love each other. It just means we have some things to work out and we need to calm down and talk about it."

"Were you fighting because I'm here?"

"No. We were fighting because I said some things I shouldn't have. It made Nadine mad. It wasn't your fault."

Nadine Book 2Where stories live. Discover now