70. Psychopath

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We walk into King Corbin Blayze's office. Him, Victor, and the 2 girls are sitting in the sitting room part.

Thora fixes one of the swords on her hip. Then she looks at them. "We're here to search and take what we want. Just stay the fuck out of our way."

Coral looks at them. "Was that woman your real mom?" The boys both shake their heads. "What did she look like and how did she die?"

Victor smiles. "I don't remember her at all. Everyone always said I looked like her though. I guess I have her hair and eyes." I look at him and nod. "I never even seen a painting of her though."


"Dad burned everything of hers."

Corbin nods. "He killed her when he got bored with her. Like all the others. Then they just got erased. He kept mom for a long time though. Almost 500 years I think. I remember her vaguely. Nikolas showed me a painting of her once. I have no idea where he hid it though. It's probably long gone by now."

Elek looks at him. "And the records for all the castles you scammed all the money away from?"

"No records. Just the castle vault log. Say we stole 400 gold bars from a castle." He gets a book out of his desk. "It would be entered in as plus 400 gold bars. No explanation of where it came from. No records. Everything we just did would be erased. Gold would be added and that was it."

Elek nods. "We're keeping this."

Corbin nods. "Yea, we don't need it anymore anyways. We'll start a real 1."

Tye puts an arm around me. "Alright let's start."

Coral looks at Tye. "You're already trying to get thrown into piss water."

Thora and Johen start laughing.

Gunner looks at her. "Don't start."


"So who are you all? I'm Camilla. I'm Corbins mate."

"I'm Thora."

"Queen Coral Borin."

I turn around and walk out. I find Nikolas's office and go threw it. It's so empty. Just a few books on the shelves. No paperwork anywhere. I stand there scratching my head.

Tye smiles. "He probably wasn't here for a year or so." He pulls the drawers out the desks and looks around in the holes. "I think we found everything at his hidden office vault."

I nod. "We should look for hidden offices here too."

"Brains already have them. They were all completely empty. It looks like they were never even found."

I shake my head. "How can there be nothing."

"Maybe what Corbin said was real. His dad just erased everything. Hell if what they are saying is true, he even tried to erase their mom."

I shake my head. "Let's look threw his apartment."

"He may have lived their with a woman babydoll."

"I am aware that he was just pretending with me Tye. I'm just mad at myself for believing it."

Johen and Gunner stay with Coral and Thora. They keep going threw offices.

Me, Tye, and Elek walk over to the apartments.

We find his and go in. It's all just castle issued stuff again. The place is spotless and looks like no one lives here. There's no wall safe. There's no paintings. I walk back to the bedroom and his clothes in the village colors are hung up.

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