52. Viewing Only Area

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We land on my balcony and walk in threw my apartment.

Mary is standing the hallway with her arms crossed. "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU? I HAVE 20 MINUTES TO MAKE YOU LOOK LIKE A PRINCESS." She pulls me right back in the apartment.

Dipak and Nikolas just stay out the way. They both go somewhere else.

20 minutes later, I land in our VIP box. I look like a perfect princess.

Tye smiles and gives me a hug. He's being clingy because the Borin boys are in the box.

Tye hugs me from behind and just holds me. I lean back into him and relax. I know he's glaring at Elek but I just ignore that. Then Johen comes up to the front of me. He gives me a little kiss and takes my hands. Then he kisses my hands.

Marcus walks up and fixes my dress. "Tye try to be a little less obvious with that death stare. He hasn't done anything. We said we would give him a chance and they haven't been together alone at all. He's not even trying to talk to her."

I nod and look at Tye. "He won't even look at me."

"I'm sorry babydoll. I can't even help it."

I let go of Johen and turn around in Tye's arms. I whisper in his ear. "I won't see him alone or even talk to him alone tonight. I promise. Please relax. I know it bothers you."

He hugs me so tight. "Thank you babydoll."

I turn back around and Johen and Marcus both start messing with me again. Tye still won't let go. I look for Dipak. He'll help me. I see Tre sitting on a couch with Nikolas. They are both looking at me laughing. I give them a dirty look.

Tre gets up and walks over to me. He takes my hand. "Alright ease up. Let her sit down. You don't need to be so clingy."

He leads me over to the couch and helps me sit between him and Nikolas. "Thanks Tre, I owe you for that. I thought they were going to smother me."

They both crack up laughing.

Tre nods. "You know how we get when other men are around you. And Tye has always been the worst. He can not control that at all."

"I bet I can make him feel better."

"No one wants to watch that baby."

"Not that." I give Tre a dirty look and Nikolas starts laughing. I look at a servant. "Summon Elkie and Dorseti please."

"Yes little miss." She runs off.

"How in the hell will that make Tye feel better?" Tre looks at me like I lost my mind.

"I told you earlier, but just watch."

Tre realizes what I'm doing and shakes his head. "No way he will kiss her now. He knows we're looking at him to be on the throne. He won't touch her. He wouldn't be stupid enough to touch anyone, especially in front of you... or us."

I nod. "Ok. We'll see."

Dipak walks over and gives me a funny look. Then he looks at Tye for a second and back to me. "I figured Tye would have tied you down and sat on you by now."

The 3 of us start laughing. Tre nods. "He tried. I didn't let it progress that far."

Dipak nods and walks towards Marcus.

Dorseti walks over in front of the couch. "I want someone to kiss."

Nikolas laughs for a second. "CORBIN." Then he motions him over.

Corbin walks over and stands by Dorseti. "What?"

Dorseti looks at him and starts sobbing.

I jump up and wrap my arms around Dorseti. "Go away Corbin."

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