106. Mating Chase

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After lunch we go back outside.

I turn to my wolf and roam off my own. I just want to walk and run. I run all over the island. I have so much fun chasing stuff. I do that for about an hour. Then I come across a place on the mountain where I can see the far beach. There is another boat with the anchor down there. I watch them as they come over to the island on little boats. They don't seem to be pirates. Maybe they found the island like we did.

I watch them run in the sand for a bit. Some of them run into the trees. That really is what we did. I decide to go see them closer. They seem friendly enough. I sneak down the mountain towards them. I get down about half way and see a big black wolf. I try to see which 1 of the boys it is but I can't tell. He's to far.

Then all of a sudden he looks right at me and smells the air. He's not mine. I watch him and he watches me.

-DANGER GO- Dragon yelled it in my head.

I turn and bolt out of there so fast. I start sending images of the boat and the wolf to Dipak. Then I send them to Marcus and the rest of the boys. I hope they got them. I just keep sending them over and over. I get a mind link and I connect it. "On the way sweetheart."

-Dragon said danger. I'm running.-

-Ok keep coming back. We're in the air now.-

All of a sudden I get hit in the head with something. Or I run into something heavy maybe. But my vision goes all blurry and I stagger around. Then I get picked up. I feel for the mind link but it isn't connected. I'm getting carried somewhere. I pass out for a minute.

"You're a pretty girl. I'll keep you as my Luna." He pets my head.

I yipe a little because it hurts.

"Oh I'm sorry I hit you. You are just so fast. I just wanted to slow you down. Not make it hurt. It'll be ok." He pets me again. "I'll make you feel all better soon."

He walks out on the beach carrying me and yells. "MOVE NOW."

I get put in a little boat with him. I can't even stand up. I try to send images of the little boats to the boys. We get to his bigger boat and I think I catch a glimpse of a dragon in the air before he tosses me in it. Then I pass out.

He puts me on a bed. I look at him for a second then fall over again. I can not stay conscious.

He sits me back up. "You're ok. I know that was a hard hit. I saved you though." Then he walks to a dresser and gets out a t-shirt. "I'll step outside. You put that on ok?"

I try to nod and he goes outside. I shift to human and try to get the shirt on. I think I get it before I pass out again.

"Oh you are so pretty. Wolf and human. You're so beautiful." He rubs my head.

"My head hurts."

"I'll let you take a nap after I mark you. Ok?"

I shake my head fast and I'm pretty sure I pass out again. He rubs my head again and it wakes me up.

"Oh you are so young. It'll be ok. I'll take care of you."

"No." I try to get up but I nearly fall. Then I swing a stick or something at him.

He hits me on the butt hard. "NO."

I start to cry.

"Now I am being nice. All you have to do is take it. It will be over soon." He picks me up and lays me on the bed on my back.

"NO NO NO" I try to scratch him.

He pushes my arms above my head. "It's ok. You'll be fine." I feel something close around my wrists. I can not move them at all. Then everything starts to turn black.

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