35. Trauma Zone

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I get to the bottom of the steps and all my kings are standing there laughing their asses off.

The guard looks at me. "They all fell down the stairs."

Me and Mary crack up laughing too.

I wipe my eyes. "But why are the alarms going off?"

Dipak points and then shuts them off. "We just have visitors. They flew over the property as dragons."

"Isn't that bad?"

He shakes his head. "Not where they were. They didn't go over the castle or the village. They thought they were far enough away. Our property goes a long way."

Johen starts walking back. "I'm going to finish eating."

Mary looks at me. "I'm going to fix this child." She pulls me up behind Johen.

I look at Mary once we get to the top floor. "What do you think about my new war outfit."

She starts laughing. "Well it makes more sense than some of the others."

Johen puts his arm around me. "I like it."

"I'll show Johen how to do your hair. Then I'm going to spy on the visitors."

I nod. "Good idea."

She shows him the rods. Then how to dry it while I eat.

Then he sits down and eats. She leaves and I stand up. I take his shirt off over my head. He stares at me for a second then he picks me up and sits me on the table.

I pull him in between my legs and give him a deep kiss. I feel him get hard against me while we kiss.

He takes his shirt off and drops it. "I'm gonna do you right here."

He pushes me so I'm on my back on the table and pulls the underwear off me. Then he drops his pants and shoves his dick in.

He starts moving it in and out. "You like that?"

"OH yes"

"This what you wanted?"


He shoves it in so deep. "You like it deep?"


"MMM good girl." He smirks at me and puts my feet on his shoulders.


He starts picking up speed.


He starts playing with both my nipples and the pressure starts building.


"Fuck yea"


I can feel his muscles tensing up and I know he's trying not to cum yet.

"OH JOHEN YES" He shoves it in so deep and I start cumming on it. "JOHEN" My toes curl and my knees come towards my chest. "OH YES"

He starts throbbing inside me. He puts his hands on the table and shoves it in hard.

"OH FUCK YES" I cum so hard all over him.

We both finish and he helps me up.

His cum starts running down my thighs. Then my knees get shaky.

He pulls his pants up and picks me up. "Let's get you cleaned up."

We go to his place and take a bath after I get my hair pulled up. We wash each other again and rub in the oils in. Then we relax for a little bit.

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