26. Shopping In The Closet

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I wake up after an hour and Tre is no where to be found. I throw on underwear and one of the unicorn island outfits. Then I throw my hair into a messy bun and walk up to the deck.

All my mates, Kane, and Omar are by the wheel.

I smile and notice Johen staring at me hard. I think his eyes would be dark if he was a vampire.

Dipak smiles back. "Good morning sweetheart."

"Morning sir."

Then my dragon starts talking to me. -If you have 7 marking spots you have 7 dragons you can give away.-

"Did you come your hair or just pull it back baby."

"I already gave away 3."


-Then you would have 4 left to give away.-

"Woman did you comb your hair?"


-I can't though. Johen still needs one.-

-Then 3 left.-

-What if I find another mate and he needs 1.-

"No you didn't."

-Well save 1 for him and give the others away.-

-Why would I do that?-

"Woman go comb your hair."

-More dragons around you the stronger you are.-

-I don't even 2 people at the table need them. Gunner has one, Bud I guess, Thora.-

-Thora can get 1 from Frode.-



-Yes. Mates can give dragons. Asa can get one now.-

"Woman who are you talking to? We're all here."

-What about Omar?-

-Possible I would have to check.-

"WOMAN." Dipak grabs my shoulders. I look up at him. "Who are you talking to?"

"Dragon." He nods and goes back to the wheel.

-Does that mean my mates all have extra dragons too?-

-No. Let me talk to them.-


"Dragon wants to talk to you guys about mate bonding and dragons."

"You have your dragon power sweetheart."

"No I lost it. It must have been something with the reset too."


-I see red-

"Good morning Vampire Kings." She looks around. "And Doctor Omar."

"Good morning." Omar smiles at me.

"Nadine is a bit confused about the dragons. She has 7 marking spots. She is the first born female heir to the throne. So, she has 7 dragons inside of her to give away. 2 of you do not need them. She has only 5 mates, that would make an additional 2 that could be given away. Meaning a total of 4. She suggested Thora. However, Thora will be able to get a dragon from Frode assuming he would get one. Any dragon carrying vampire can always give their mate a dragon."

Omar looks at her. "She has 7 marking spots?"


"Then she could still get another mate."

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