Chapter 10: Pest Control

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Back on Barad-dûr, the portal inside Missy's room stays open, the sounds of machinery whirring and electricity crackling, with Ahmanet, General Zod, the Saxon Master, and Chucky in the room, observing the technology.

"How the hell does anyone not know where Amara and them are?" Chucky leaps up, looking at the tables, trying to see if Amara left any notes for them.

"It would seem this machine is a portal of some kind. I think I made this. Not the me with the goatee, the me that's a lady. It gets confusing." The Master rubs his head, but continues to observe what Missy built.

"What do you suppose that meeting was about?" Ahmanet asks, mildly confused seeing the room. She never had this technology in Ancient Egypt, but upon joining the Legion, she's become slowly familiar with it all.

"Whatever Amara's business is, is her own. She brought us all into this Legion, her plans are her own." Zod vouches for Amara, staying loyal to the fact that she chose him to be brought back from the dead and join the Legion.

"Speak for yourself," Saxon responds, "I got busted out of that prison back on Gallifrey by my past self. I just happened to be involved in this anarchy. What do you all get out of this, anyhow? I'm not asking to start another rebellion, don't want to end up like Calamari-"

"Kalabar," Zod corrects him.

"Right. Anywho, what made you all join this Legion? I find anarchy and chaos to be a pastime." Saxon smirks.

"Amara brought myself and many monsters out of Pandora's box, where we were free to do whatever we pleased." Ahmanet goes on to monologue about how she wishes to rule as a goddess amidst all.

"So basic villain crap is what she's saying." Chucky makes fun of her and laughs it off. "Nothing to be ashamed of, doll. Power's power. You add your own little flair to whatever universe you want to conquer."

"And you, Kryptonian?" Saxon looks to Zod awaiting a response.

"Amara has promised me a Krypton that I may rule. It would seem she has finally found a way to make it so I may travel to Krypton, based on this machine. With the help of my people, I will have them fall under the wings of the Legion of Chaos, with the flag of my people waving amidst the multiverse."

"Conquest and honor of your people, I admire that." Saxon is interrupted by the sound of the portal growling and crackling stronger, as the four villains step back and prepare to attack whatever comes through the portal.

Out of the portal are many shadows that come through. The first shadow being Amara, who exhales after coming out of the portal. Behind her are the rest of the Legion, the four historic figures, Darth Maul, the Crimson Dawn, the bounty hunters, and the many soldiers of the Crimson Dawn.

"Ronan will show these men to a place to store the weapons." Amara directs Ronan to show the soldiers to the armory of the castle.

"With me!" Ronan raises his Rod as he signals the soldiers and hunters to follow him. "Zod. Ahmanet. Doll. Saxon." Ronan nods to them as he walks past them with the soldiers carrying various boxes of weapons, ammunition, explosives.

"It would seem as if someone was busy." Saxon looks surprised and then looks at Missy.

"Well, what can I say? I do my best to provide for the family." Missy lets out a chuckle and a comedic wink. "Ok, come with me, I need to kick my feet up for a bit, and need some help in the TARDIS." Missy and Saxon go into the TARDIS to work on side projects.

"Welcome back, Lady Amara. We were worried. You left without any announcement." Zod bows to Amara.

"How long were we gone?"

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