Chapter 16: Children of the Night

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With Amara and Homelander walking out of the chamber, Hela, Morgan, Ivan, Zod and Barbara Kean all look and notice Homelander is free.

"What is the meaning of this?" Ivan asked, taking his sword out of his staff. "Is this man not a prisoner to the Legion?"

"In a sense, yes." Amara said, smiling. "Our new ally, Homelander, has...graciously offered up his soul to me in exchange, he shall serve us in the Legion of Chaos. I couldn't let a man of his talents return home and tell everyone what he had seen."

"So, the plan worked. Marvelous." Hela gave a small chuckle.

"Look, Amara," Barbara pitches in, "I know I just got here not too long ago, I still need to learn everyone's names, and still needa figure out why there's a giant caterpillar, but anyways. I feel like having this guy around can be a risk. What if he goes rogue. I heard the noise outside this castle when you guys were fighting."

"The human girl thinks herself to have an opinion. In due time, Ms. Kean, you still have a ways to go til such an opinion can be said." Zod scoffs and folds his arms. He is met with a death stare from Amara, as Zod releases his arms, and remains silent. She then looks over to Barbara and approaches her.

"Barbara, is it?" Amara says, placing her hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry about Zod just said. All are here in the Legion for a reason, I trust the judgement of all who bring in new members to our cause. With the looming threat of Darkseid on the rise, we need all hands-on deck, regardless of their skills. Missy caught me up to speed about how she broke you and your friends from Arkham. Quite the colorful group."

"We're all hardly friends, I barley even know any of them. Only one I'm kind of close with is Dinah Lance, the Black Siren. Once upon a time, I was with my then husband, Jim Gordon, but then I kinda went down this psychotic rabbit hole, killed a lot of people, wound up in Arkham, broke out, became a crime lord, then got beamed out into a new Gotham, met Black Siren, who wasn't from my world, and her and I have had this on and off thing for a while."

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Amara says, as her eyes widened.

"Which time? I said a lot in that sentence."

"About the Black Siren and that beam. That isn't your universe?" Hela notices this as she turns to Barbara.

"Well, yeah. A couple of them aren't either. I don't remember much of my world either. The talking gorilla, Crane, Tetch, Ra's, Joker. That was part of the reason we all ended up way down below Arkham. Batman caught on that there was something off about all of us and kept us all down below the ground level of Arkham."

"And none of you questioned it?" Zod asked Barbara.

"Zoddy, my world had a nutted-out professor reanimating people and giving them superpowers, and also had a city full of owl assassins. I don't remember how I got to that world, I just recognized that it was also Gotham. When I got there, I got familiar with that city, it seemed like no one recognized me, so I worked my way up, and that's then I saw Dinah in an alleyway, coming out of this weird energy portal. I think I wasn't supposed to see that, but her and I got to chatting, and she opened my eyes to other universes, and that's when we got settled in, and started to stir some trouble. We got settled into that Gotham for a few years, til we finally got incarcerated by Batman. That's when your Time Lady friend broke us all out and brought us here."

Amara stepped away, and paced around and took deep breathes, placing her hands on her hips. She mumbles to herself.

"Everything alright, Amara?" Morgan asked. "I'm not quite following what's happening."

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