Part 4

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Brandon no:

Brandon and I have been home for a week now, we never mentioned what happened on our trip, and Dex and I were fucking every chance we could, once in a while I would do him I felt guilty because sometimes  I thought about Brandon.

I walked into the room and asked Marco why he's not dressed yet, did he forget we're having dinner with Mike and Pat. 

I looked at the time and said oh shit I didn't realize it was so late, my mind was on something else, Dex said my mind has been on something since I came back from New York, is it the book, I said yes I'm having writers block.

Dex said maybe I should take sometime off and clear my head, I'll be able to write again, I told him maybe I will, I'll be ready in ten minutes bae said he'll bring the car around front he left the room and I got dressed. I went downstairs and told Bell we're leaving now, she said make sure I eat lately I haven't been eating, I told her I will and walked out the door and got into the car.

Bae said I cleaned up well and he kissed me and drove off, it didn't take us long to get to the Alexander for dinner, we pulled up and the valet parked the car and we went inside to the restaurant, Mike met us at the door he said Pat is at the table we walked to the table and he greeted us and we sat down. We had wine and Pat asked me about my new book, I told him I'm still finishing up the ending, but I think I'm going to take sometime off and clear my head.

I looked up and Brandon walked up to the table with some dude, he said he didn't know Mike was back in town, Mike said they just got back last night. I asked Bran who's his friend, he said oh this is Marcus he's just a friend, he told Mike he'll call him tomorrow and they walked away, I watched them take a table where I could see them. I  said I wonder if they're fucking, what am I saying I'm talking about Bran, Mike said he settled down maybe Bran is ready to do the same, I just watched them Bran kept staring at me. It hit me about the guy, he's the dude that Bran fucked and got fucked by,  when we were in New York, but why is that dude here is my question.

We ordered and I saw Bran get up walking towards the men's room, I excused myself and said I'm going to the men's room, I walked in there and another guy was walking out. Bran went to one of the stalls he doesn't like using the urinals, someone came in so I washed my hands so did the guy and he dried his hands and walked out. I heard the toilet flush and I walked into the stall Bran asked me what's up, I asked him about that dude he's with.

Bran started laughing, and said the dude has a name, and why do I care who he's with remember I have Dex, he started to walk out the stall I stopped him.

I said damn! Bran you act like you don't know what we did on the plane, he said he knows so what it was just sex, I told him it can never happen again so why am I tripping not unless I changed my mind and I want to do it again.

I told him no I don't, I just don't think that dude wants anything from him but sex, he looked at me and said I don't want him with anyone so that we can mess around when Dex isn't around. And said if the hearts are in two different places, you'll have to pass and move on, that's what he's going to do. I asked him what chapter in my book is that from. Bran said it's not, he reads too, and that's from Alexandra Elle, and I should get back to my husband and he walked out.

I walked out of the stall and Mike walked in, he looked at me and said he came in here to make sure I was okay,I told him I'm fine and walked over and washed my hands, from the mirror I could see Mike staring at me. He asked me did Bran and I do something, I said hell no I have Dex, he said he knows me as well as Bran and we better not be, I told him we were just talking about work now leave it alone I walked away.

I walked passed Bran's table they were talking, I went to our table and sat down I didn't look over at Brans table I told Dex I'm not feeling well, Mike said yeah I need to go home with Dex, Pat said he hopes I feel better and we left. Dex said he thought something might have been wrong since I was in the rest room for so long, he asked me what's wrong he knows I haven't been eating lately.

I told him I haven't been sleeping, or had much of an appetite, bae said in the morning he'll get me an appointment with his doctor, he wanted to make love to me, but that can wait he just wants me to feel better. We got home and I went up to our bedroom and got undressed, I walked into the bathroom and got in the shower, I better get it together or Dex will know it's more than me not sleeping.

I had dreams about what Bran and I did, and find myself getting out of bed and going into the bathroom and jacking off. After my shower I dried off and went into the bedroom and got into bed, Dex came in with a tray, he said try and eat something maybe that will make me feel better.

I told him after my shower I do feel better, and I grabbed his dick, he told me I don't have to do anything I'm not up to for him, I told him I'm not I want it, he got undressed and we had sex. As Dex is inside of me I thought about seeing Brandon fucking that dude and I said yes bae fuck my boipussy good, I want that dick. Bae fucked the shit out of me, as he shot his heavy load in me I shook it felt so good him being inside of me, I got fucked by my husband not Bran.

Bae pulled out of me and said I got off too, I looked and had cum all over my stomach, I told him his dick is so good it made me cum. We got up and got cleaned up and went to sleep, the next morning I woke up and Dex wasn't in bed I could hear the shower going, I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom and joined bae in the shower, I kissed the back of his neck and said good morning my love. He asked me if I'm feeling better, I said yes all I needed was his dick and some sleep, I slept like a baby, bae said I still should get checked out, I told him I will.

We finished showering and got dried off and dressed, we went downstairs and had breakfast, I ate everything on my plate and two of Bells famous sweet rolls, Dex said I am feeling better Bell said it does her hear good to see a slim boy eat.

Brandon came in and said good morning to us, Bell asked him does he want breakfast, he said he's eaten already, Dex asked did he have breakfast with his date, Brandon said yes who knows he could be the one. Bell laughed and said she's heard that before, but Mike settled down maybe there's hope for Brandon too, Dex said he has to get going, he'll call his doctor and get me an appointment he kissed me and left.

Bell said yeah I should be checked out and she left the room, Bran asked  me why I needed to see a doctor, I said I've just been tired lately. He asked me when's the last time I had an HIV test, I told him I get tested I should be asking him. He said he gets tested and had one last month, so don't worry about him, I said about last night, Bran said like he said before Marcus might be the one, that's the second time he mentioned the guys name, most times he doesn't even remember there names. And he said if he finds the one he doesn't mess around anything else, I said no lets get to work I'm going to finish the last chapter.

We went to Dex's office and got to work,  after two hours I was finished if I do say so myself the ending is good, Bran read the last chapter and said this is good, I told him to make copies of the manuscript and get it to the publisher and after that he can take the rest of the day off maybe he can have lunch with Marcus. Bran smiled and said maybe as he made copies of the manuscript, my phone rang, it's Dex he said I have an appointment with his doctor tomorrow at ten he's going with me, I said okay and I told him I finished my book.

Dex said that's great now I can rest for a while until I have to promote the book, I told him I'll see him when he gets home, yes it's finally finished and like Dex said I can chill for a while, it's best that I leave what I did with Brandon in the passed and move on. After the book promotion it's time we worked on our family.

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