Part 18

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Cleaning up:

It's been four months and I have been working on my new book, this one has a twist to it the second main character is a married D.L man, but he will leave his wife for a man. Frank walked up and said he sees that I was making notes for my new book, he can't wait until it came out from the notes he read it's going to be good.

I said he's been reading my notes? He said only the ones I threw away, he didn't know I didn't want anyone to read the notes, I told him it's okay but keep what he read to himself and when the book is finished he'll get a signed copy. I did ask him so far what he likes, Frank said the part about the character who gets blackmailed by who he thought was a friend, and he got his. 

I told him I wouldn't think he's into gay stories, he said I didn't have a lot of sexual things in my last book, his son has all of my books, his son is bi-sexual. I told him I'll sign all his son's books for him he said thanks. He did say that Dex saw him reading the notes, and told him he shouldn't be reading them he took the notes.

I looked up at him, he said oh sorry I made the blackmailer character kinda after my friend Davis, I said yes I did and it's okay. Frank said he'll get back to work, damn I should've burned Davis's notes, but Frank thinks they're my notes for the book, I hope Dex thinks so too.

I looked up and Dex is standing on our balcony, I didn't know he was home, I waved at him he just walked back into the room, I wonder if he knows what I did from reading the notes. I minus well face this, I went into the house up to my room Dex was on the phone, he said I'm here now and handed me the phone. I asked him who is that, he said just take the phone, I took the phone it's mom she said  get to her house after I finished talking with Dex she hung up.

Bae why did you come in here when I waved at you,  and you talked to my mother is something wrong, he looked up at me and said yes I'm going to stay with her or someone in my family, I asked him why. Dex said he read one of my notes for the new book, I told him Frank told me, but why is he upset, and wants me to leave.

Dex held up the note, he said that's not my handwriting on the note, he said it's Davis's he showed me a letter he got today at his office, with Davis's handwriting, saying I slept with X and doctor Fisher, and Mike killed Xavier and he and Marcelo buried the body. Dex said that 's why I hired X so I could have my lover close by. I said he blackmailed his way into getting the job, Dex said still he was here how long have I been sleeping around and it explains why doctor Fisher moved his practice with Ekim's help no doubt.

I told him we only slept together once in Miami, and it's true I was messing with Sasha, but I ended it, Dex said he's going out and when he gets back he wants me gone. No Dex please give me a chance to explain how it happened, he said he knows how it happened I'm a hoe now pack my shit and get out. Dex walked out of the room, I sat on the bed damn Davis hated me so much even from the dead he's haunting me.

I didn't have a choice but to leave, but I'm not giving up on us, I got up and packed some of my things and my laptop, I took a picture of Dex and I and I left.

I got to mom's house, she said my old room is still the same, I told her I messed up but I love Dex, she said I should've thought about that before I slept with Xavier, now go to my room and think about what I did.

I told her I just want Dex, she told me to give him some time, but this time it's not me and some short-term boyfriend but my husband if Dex doesn't divorce me. I said thanks a lot she's my mother she should be on my side, mom said right is right and wrong is wrong Dex is a part of our family and I'm wrong. I better find a way to fix this because the baby is her grandchild, and she wants to be a part of their life, I just went upstairs to my room.

I sat on the bed feeling stupid, because I may lose my husband and baby. Mike busted in the room, he pushed me on the bed and got on top of me, I told him to get off of me, he didn't he said how could I be so stupid as to not get rid of the notes Davis sent me. I asked him how he knew about what was going on, he said mom called him to get in my ass. I told him to get the fuck off of me, I had one father I don't need another one, Mike got up and he asked does Dex know everything, I said yes, he said Dex is an officer of the court he's going to tell on Marcelo and him and they could go to jail, he likes dick but only from his husband.

I told him Dex wouldn't do that, Mike said I'm not sure what Dex will do, right now he's hurt because I'm a hoe. Mike said he should beat my ass he just left, I don't need his shit right now I want Dex. I spent the rest of the day in my room, staring at the picture of Dex and I, I decided to call him I'm hoping he'll answer, he answered my call I told him I'm so sorry baby I want to come home and work this out, the voice on the other end said who is this. I looked at the number it's Dexter's, I asked who this is and why he has my husbands phone, the phone hung up.

Who the fuck is answering Dex's phone, I called back and it went to voicemail, I left a message telling Dex to call me, I'm not going to ask who answered his phone, I hung up.

Is Dex so mad at me that he went to someone else to get back at me, I called him again the call didn't go through, shit did Dex block my call. Theirs a knock on the door, I said mom I don't want to talk, it was Jenny's voice saying open the door she brought me a tray I need to eat. I told her I'm not hungry, she said open this door right now, I got off the bed and opened the door, she handed me the tray and told me to eat, and when she comes back for the tray my plate better be empty she left the room.

I wasn't feeling Jenny getting on me about eating, so I went in my bathroom and flushed most of the food down the toilet, I ate the rest and went back into my room and put the plate on the tray, I laid across the bed and cried.

An hour later Jenny just walked in the room, she looked at the tray and said at least I ate something the chicken wouldn't flush down the toilet, she knows me, she walked over and hugged me she said I'm her baby too. I messed up so I'll have to deal with what I did, she said Dex loves me and I have to give him some time to heal.

I told her about calling him, and someone else answered his phone, she said I have to realize he's hurting, she got up and took the tray and left the room, whoever Dex is messing with I'll kill him that's my man.

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